I feel bad for those who got Certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dragon Zander, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. Dragon Zander

    Background: Players who had unlocked similar/same weapons on multiple characters complained and whined to the point that SOE felt they should react. (ie Bought the Striker, Phoenix and Lancer)
    SOE's reaction was to compensate players who had spent SC to unlock these weapons at a rate of 2 certs/ 1 SC.
    (ie. Spent 2100 SC unlocking the Striker, Phoenix and Lancer, get back 1400 SC in the form of 2800 Certs)Unfortunetly weapons that were bought in a bundle were compensated as if each weapon was bought individually causing almost everyone who was compensated to receive more certs than there money bought. In addition many players who were not due to receive compensation received thousands of certs, I've seen several players that have a total play time of 00s (that's never logging in once) that have 60,000 certs or more. See for yourself at http://imgur.com/a/N0Ks0#IslPKrs.

    I feel very sad for these players. I've been playing my toon since day 1. I have around 10,000 certs TOTAL, that includes what I have already spent and I am very happy with how far I've managed to progress my character. If I was suddenly given even another 10,000 certs (never mind 100k!!) I hadn't earned it would completely invalidate all my progress. Again very sad for those who have had their characters ruined.

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  2. VSDerp

    Wish they would admit it was a mistake.
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  3. Walbomb

    Nice stealth whine. Thanks for the terrible formatting on top of it.
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  4. 160thSOAR

    Just wondering, how is it possible for guys who have never played to have gotten certs? Are they alts? I always thought you automatically logged in to a character when you created it, but it's been a while since I made one.
  5. smokemaker

    I do not go by score or certs to validate my progress. I validate my progress by killing others and not dying doing it.
    I played FPS that didnt score you at all and loved them.
    The level/score thing is a WOW drawback. It needs to show the kiddies they are doing something.
  6. SgtBreastroker

    What is sad about gaining numerous certs as compensation? Who uses cert to look at character progress?
  7. Liquid23

    I feel bad for those with so little in their lives that they care enough about those who got certs to make entire threads over it
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  8. Tobax

    You assume it was all done wrong and it wasn't, no one in my outfit got given the wrong amount of certs and I myself got 1900 which makes up for a couple double bought weapons, so now I can go buy 2 for free so thanks but don't bother feeling sorry for me.
  9. Sedisp

    I feel very sorry for anyone who thinks that time spent in a videogame needs validation.
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  10. Brusilov [TR]

    Is OP even right?

    Striker, pheonix and lancer are empire specific weapons...
  11. Czuuk

    I feel sad for all those who are crying about it. Hang on a tick. No I don't.
  12. RadarX

    Please feel free to use an existing thread on this topic. Thank you!
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