I die pathetically like Jango did

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by MarcusVitruvius, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. MarcusVitruvius

    Start at 0:46

    For those who don't understand, Jango's jetpacks get damaged when he gets trampled by this dinosaur thing, and when he tries to use them against a charging Windu (read a charging scatmax) they don't work and he gets instagibbed
  2. Lakora

    Been there done that. :D Either it's cause I forget I changed to Engineer, other times it's cause the jetpack bugs out and I realise it as I'm falling.
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  3. SongOfDiscord

    I don't know, he killed a jedi (heavy assault) and a big animal (tank) before dieing to a BR 100 Jedi.:)
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  4. Badname3073

    He should have pulled out his Solstice, VS pistols are ****
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  5. Lakora

    True... It's a shame he was VS cause if he was TR he'd win even with the pistol. :D
  6. Compass

    I died when I jumped off the north cliff above Zurvan. Jetpacks didn't work and I could not drift.

  7. Flying Mug

    This is why I always do test hops. Also because, hey, jetpack.

    Then if it isn't working I rage anyway.

    Also, the engineer thing, that happens. The hud should have some kind of big text crawl warning you that you are not an LA and cannot fly.