"I choose you, GPU physics!"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SiosDashcR, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. SiosDashcR

    Now imagine if there was an entire enemy platoon behind you - And all you had was this one grenade...
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  2. HellasVagabond

    I am sure it's a new system SOE is trying to implement where we can build OUR VERY OWN CUSTOM BASES !
    YEAH ! :)
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  3. Morpholine

    So, how many certs was the Nanite Construction Grenade, anyway?
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  4. 5ou1

    Might be the dopest things I've seen all day :D
  5. RHINO_Mk.II

    F***ing nanites!
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  6. Grotpar

    I love GPU ph-

    Planetside 2 has stopped working.
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  7. EliteEskimo

    Bob the Builder! Can we fix it? Bob the Builder! FIRE IN THE HOLE!:D
  8. Stigma

    Standard issue TR instant-base-builder-grenade.
    We still have some bugs to work out but uuhh.... Move along! Nothing to see here!!

    EDIT: I wonder if this is how they built the actual in-game bases. It would explain a lot about the base design issues :p

    (that was hilarious by the way, thanks for that clip)

  9. Lord Robert

    You need to upgrade that prowler.
  10. DFDelta

    I hate it when that happens.
    I once had this being set of by rocket pod explosions. I was in a Skyguard at that time. I was not amused...
  11. KAHR-Alpha

    So this is how baby outposts are born, so cute.
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  12. TheRealTripWire

    This is how we'll be able to make our own outposts when player housing is implemented.
  13. SinMachine

    Haha nice one
    But why stock prowler? It hurts me eyes
  14. Snib

    Do want.