I am so glad I checked out what had changed before I renewed. I would have been upset if I had not!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exileant, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. Exileant

    :confused: Now.... On the Playstation side, where the game is already half dead and over run by Harasser cheese, you all, like a pack of idiots, thought it was a good idea to remove the one ability of the ONE vehicle that could actually keep them at bay or at the very least force them to slow their roll? o_O I ask you, what the fell is the reason for us even having an A.N.T. now? Ours cannot build anything, attempting to fuel a mega tank is asinine now. There is no idiot out there who would even bother with one now. You did not even bother to give me all the Certs I spent on my Cloak. It is like you begged me to keep my money for a year subscription! Hahahaha!

    :D I mean do not get me wrong, you could not have done this at a better time for me because Destiny 2 has gotten the picture and is ADDING to our abilities instead of Nerfing and taking away and I have just been... DUMPING buckets of money at them, (I just spent like 200-350 dollars of what likely would have been invested here), but by all means, keep RIGHT on doing what you are doing.

    :) I will make sure to give my money to a company that actively acts like it actually wants my money and deserves it by listening to those who truly invest and want more freedom of play-style. Excellent decision making, people! Really. Top notch.:p

    ;) Last time I am going to say it: "You do not like how someone is playing, ADD a counter, you do not take things from me, or I withhold the money fan!"
  2. Zar

    anything with treds or wheels should not have cloak i hope they remove the ATV cloak to. as you said in your own tag.

    Stop crying; OR, keep dying.;)
  3. krozerg

    but but but, you got "800" new attachments....
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  4. Mechwolf

    Honestly, they could have just nerfed the cloak itself and made it more visible. I don't know why they completely removed it from the game.

    Kinda wish they added more cloak to more vehicles, like the Valkyrie.
  5. Mechwolf

    And you're right about Harassers, they need a nerf, but they'll never reduce it's health, they'll do everything else to be "interesting" it seems... but if they just took like 500 hp off of the harasser, it would be balanced... instead of killing rumble repairs
  6. Mechwolf

    Your compilation makes it obvious it needed a nerf by the way... but you're right, they shouldn't have deleted it.
  7. Sumowning

    Wait, when was this announced? Was this a stealth nerf? I just noticed that I was lacking the cloak on my ANT
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  8. AuricStarSand

    I never had a problem dodging invisible ant's. They were ez to avoid. So far turbo ants are doing ok around Nasons.

    I still don't believe a entire square on wheels, should go invisible. Especially from a vehicle that's main purpose is to build, not fight.
    As a Infil main. Ridding Ant cloaking makes people whine about cloaking less on the forums.

    If they do add a stealth vehicle, none of the vehicles they have right now should be it. Flash is fine tho.
    Also now that harvesting is plenty. They don't want Ant's easily running away either.
  9. Exileant

    Of coarse you do, you were probably one of the only rubes dying to them.:D How hard is it to listen for a loud tail shop-vac? Listen the ONLY two things this game has that is even remotely appealing is the fact that you have war vehicles that can cloak. :confused: As limited as those options are, it is something not being done. When you remove your unicorn, how is this game any different than Battlefield? Battlefield runs circles around this when it comes to Graphics and Gameplay. The second is this game's freedom. Take that away and literally any other game is better than this. It is full of hackers, the hit boxes only register half the time, it lags constantly, and its graphics and sounds are P.S.2. quality.

    o_O As for my quote, that applies to crybabies calling for NERFS that these failures at business are listening to. It is like they do not even get what they have done, and neither do you. Now to get my kicks, I am simply going to attach bricks of C4 to my planes and Harassers and ram them down peoples throats. You think a Cloak on a defenseless truck was bad? Vehicle stealth on a vehicle that moves 350kph works far better than me running into you to chip away at your armor. God bless the guy here that made the videos about it. It takes nothing to run up on someone with the armor of a Harasser and stick C4 to stuff even if they removed the ability to stick things to vehicles.

    :) All they have done is take away the one thing that used pacify me by letting me chill out, mine, hunt aircraft and Harassers and flattening the occasional pedestrian (of which I took GREAT pleasure), to stop me from wreaking absolute havoc in the most rage inducing way I possibly can.

    So now, I am going to do that... :p Oh, as well as NOT invest any money in the game. Hahahaha! If they take away enough I can get my money back just like I did with Destiny. Then, I REALLY will not care what bad decisions they make because, it will be a free game on my end. And I spent well over a grand here, a few probably.;)
  10. Exileant

    o_O My Videos using them had nothing to do with it needing to be Nerfed because it took time to learn, and SKILL to do what I did. I was the best because I spent my most time in one and perfecting a fight-style with them. Montages all have the same problem: They cut to the chase. A.N.T. Play took patience. It was rare you would find a large crowd dumb enough to camp out in the open where an A.N.T. could even reach them, much less without mines or barriers of any kind stopping your approach. :( I have seen far too many try to use an A.N.T. offensively and die nearly instantly to anything other than another A.N.T. this especially includes Flashes. On average, for even me kills were slow going, especially after they made Harassers more expensive. A kill every 3-5 minutes slow, with bursts of 5-10 if you found a pack of idiots.

    As my dearest friend said: "It makes no sense for you to make something and then wait until people get good with it for you to then change the game. When you make something and someone figures out how to use it in a way that is outside of it's intended use, that as well as that person should be celebrated. You do yourself a disservice constantly changing the game for people who do not feel like they should have to take time and learn, to find something they are good at. Punishing the players take that time makes them feel like there is no point to playing. If you are dying to something, that should be a call to you to step up YOUR game, not demand everyone else be pulled down to your level." --Lawlash:cool: Wisdom to spare with that one.

    She is a newbie and has been killed countless times in her A.N.T. while it was cloaked. It was of her opinion an A.N.T. needed more than it had, because she could never find Crystal when she needed it, and people could see here truck just fine, cloaked or not. Hahaha! ;) I agree with her.
  11. Exileant

    o_O Not to my knowledge. I simply suffered an April 1st update and BAM; it was gone. I was like: "Worst April Fools day prank EVER!" I had my card out and everything....:(
  12. RabidIBM

    And I'm sure your attitude is improving the community of the game you went to.
  13. Exileant

    :) My attitude DRIVES Destiny. See, I speak only truth, give what I receive verbally and they have made a lot of money off of my suggestions because they listened. ;) So you are 100% correct. Not only is my attitude improving the community, it is actively improving the game as well.
  14. Exileant

    :D Hahahahahaha! Right!? Yeah, a few DIFFERENT SHAPES and COLORS of targeting sites for their 15 buck guns that barely work will make it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall better.:p What are we, Teletubies?:confused:
  15. Exileant

    :eek: Nothing about running away in a Cloaked A.N.T. was easy, they were are too loud for one. You can hear them very well, I have had lightnings stalk me 3 basses over because they were following the noise of my engine which sounds like a well kept bus. As you said once spotted, Cloaked Ants were easy to dodge because even though they were big, that worked against them when it came to Cloak. They looked like glass buildings, and the shimmer was terrible. :( The only time we somewhat had a true chance to escape is at night but even then, we had to evade all back light, because a streetlamp would make the glass shine. A.N.T.s were pretty much harmless unless you were willing to put in the time and effort to make them a threat, and believe you me that took a metric ton of both.

    :confused: As far as entire Squads if invisible A.N.T.s? That literally could not and did not happen, because the land would not support it. Crystal was already hard to find, and we A.N.T.s were territorial. Fights have broken out over stashes, especially when one truck is simply there to gather Certs only to later abandon the truck once it was full. Battle A.N.T.s needed a lot more than a standard builder, because we were burning the candle at both ends. In all the time that we had them, I have never seen more than 2 A.N.T.s on the field other than me, every 4 or 5 sessions. So, once in a blue moon that is 3 A.N.T.s usually on different teams that briefly cross paths. We usually honk at one another and go about our business.... Unless they are at your stash; then you run them off like an Bearantlion. Unless it has a Top Gun we never killed another A.N.T. :D Faced with a Flash Mob? Just say: "Thank you for the points!" and dig the steel out of your treads later. Hahaha!

    o_O I typed all that to say: "Changing an aspect of the game just to get a few people on a forum and Twitter to shut up about it when they do not represent the mass of your base by any means is not just a terrible reason, it is barely a reason at all."
  16. Mechwolf

    I could use the cloak A.N.T. in the same fashion as you, I just didn't record it... I did record a funny clip of doing donuts around a sunderer and getting a 20+ killstreak on Esamir though.
  17. Exileant

    ;) If that is indeed true, you would be the first I have ever met; and I would love to see your excursions, because as you saw in my videos, I am not just talking about running over pedestrians. :eek: Though a 20 kill streak at one Sunderer is HOT STUFF and hugely rewarding. Finding a group dumb enough to keep Resing at the same location as anything but a L.A. with C4 or an E. with Tank mines, was beyond rare. o_O I have only gotten a group like that 3-4 times in like a full year of sessions. Someone always wises up and starts throwing crap.....

    :mad::eek: Can't people just STAY STUPID!?!? :D GEEZ!
  18. Botji

    If mines stopped cloaked Ants why not use mines to stop Harassers?

    Seems silly to get so bent out of shape just because you lost the cloak Ant crutch you were using. You seem to try to downplay how much of a advantage and cheese it was but clearly it made up a large part of your strategy/skill with a Ant if you are making this much of a fuss about losing it.
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  19. Exileant

    o_O Well it seems silly for you to ask such an obvious question, yet you did it anyway. Bot, you cry crutch because you are one of the people I am talking about. If I main a Light Assault and systematically decimate infantry with C4, A shotgun or S.M.G. well out of sight, you would call that a crutch too, right? How about a Heavy Assault with a Thumper? A M.B.T. The fact is anything I get good with and continue to use, would be a crutch to you, Cloak or not.

    :confused: To answer that horrible and obvious answered question: An A.N.T. has NO ACCESS TO HIGH DAMAGE LONG RANGE WEAPONS, and no weapons at all other than its body available to the driver. A Cloak A.N.T. has no turbo. An A.N.T. unless it does not want to live for more that 10 minutes, is not going to use anything but an A.A. turret. This leaves only its wheels to kill infantry, so its goal is to run you over.... ;) A harasser does not need to approach you at all, they are mobile turrets with access to extreme range weaponry. If you toss out mines for a car to run over in the rare event they actually feel like running someone over, their BUILT IN turbo ensures they can outrun the prime timer of a mine, so they can zip in, and over you, then attack at a distance without missing a beat. Its goal is to kill you at a distance. A Cloaking A.N.T. can only outrun the timer if it is at full speed on its approach when the mine is thrown, and it cannot come to a complete stop by say hitting a rock, without a Turbo, it will trigger the mine. That is why Mines work on A.N.T.s and not on Harassers.

    o_O I do not have to downplay anything. If A.N.T.s were so deadly, you would have made a full length video of you killing everything in sight from your cloaked A.N.T. The truth is, you could not. It was rare that you came across them at all and it was even more rare you found one that was a genuine threat. They are base builders and most people were using them for that. And random Cert gain through mining and abandonment. I was a threat, and I deserved to be. I worked for it. I make a fuss about anything I enjoy using being taken away from me in a game I invest in.
  20. Botji

    Damn you apparently know me better than myself because even I wasnt aware of most of that. Especially that part where I apparently care what you think you are good with or not and would base my opinion of what is a crutch or not on it.

    If your Ant gameplay revolves around being invisible and you are now very sad that its gone, am I wrong in calling it a crutch?
    You cant do what you used to because what you relied on, what carried you, is gone?
    Sure, I would call a Thumper a crutch if you went out of your way to tell me that its the only way you can get kills with a HA and is throwing a fit if it got removed because clearly, HA is now ruined and useless.

    In a slightly more sane version of reality we both know that the Thumper doesnt exactly make or break the HA class just as none of the other examples you so helpfully tried to put into my mouth would which doesnt make them crutches.

    Perhaps you should use that quote you have at the bottom of your messages, stop crying or keep dying which I take as another way to say Get Good. Now im sure you will chime in to say that you are really good actually but why not prove it?
    Keep doing what you were doing and running people over but just without the cloak, it wasnt your crutch after all.... right? o_O

    "While you were aiming and shooting your guns, I studied the art of driving over people while invisible!"