[Suggestion] I am fed up with hundreds of people crowded in a stronghold.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DEVIL000, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. DEVIL000

    You limit the number of people on a map。
    Why not limit the number of small locations?
    Is it difficult to make a difference?
    Almost 1000 people are crowded into a stronghold, and your server quality is limited.
    Why not limit the number of people in the small points in the map to improve the user experience.
    1000 people can't fight. But 600 people can fight in the small locations, I hope you can understand what I mean.
    Evaluate the server processing speed in the small site range and set the maximum number of people.
    PS:Forgive me for mistakes in words and grammar.
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  2. adamts01

    Those 300-400 person fights are pretty terrible, especially with all the smoke grenades and foreworks. But what would you do, have people hit an invisible wall when they approach?
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  3. csvfr

    Seems way better, limit the number of people per hex (the actual hexagonal) such that people close to you are always rendered. It would make lolpods worth it again, as well as harasser driving funny. Because last time I drove with the canister in a large fight friendlies suddenly rendered 20m in front of my vehicle at turbo speed making them hard not to run over, over and over again. Practically the antithesis of CAI.

    This was at TI Alloys attacking from the north, people rendering/derendering in the hills
  4. Skraggz

    Erm, this gets a no from me. Don't want to be told where I can and can't go in an open war. Rather them keep looking at the Dx11 and any other server coding related issue.
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  5. strikearrow

    Maybe until they upgrade the server/add Dx11? It is pretty bad when the fight hits 300+ people...
  6. Demigan

    I love that you can fit a 300 v 300 v 300 battle in one tiny area. Sure it sucks when performance goes down and they could encourage players to play elsewhere, keyword encourage as punishing players for just playing somewhere is always bad. Encouragement is positive: "If I move away from this fight towards fight X, it'll reward me with Y".

    Hex's are pretty big, and not build around the bases themselves. A Hex is about 150m across (180m from point to point if I recall correctly). So that's still a pretty big distance for players to be in. Now imagine you flying over a base, looking at a Spawn but being just on the edge of the next HEX. The people in the Spawn don't render because they are in a different HEX.
    What you are asking for is basically a better range to render people in, and try to achieve it with the HEX's. But why not just say "enemies within X meters get priority to rendering, friendlies within X meters in front of my vehicle will also get priority rendering" or something similar.
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  7. Nexus545

    Something like this has been in need since forever. It would be a very bad and hard to implement the idea of only allowing a certain number of players in an area though.

    However, we already get XP bonuses for the continent population. Why not implement a regional population bonus? For each tier of players in a region, assign a percentage bonus (or negative effect) on XP gain in that region. A lot of eople go where the farm is at. If they would make less certs in a high pop area than a medium one, they would move on quick.
  8. DeadlyOmen

    Giant battles are awesome.

    Tears are not.
  9. csvfr

    If only it was that simple, but I'm in the belief that it isn't since it's still an issue. Throwing revive grenades and running in the opposite direction can also be problem btw. So the solution, however troublesome it may be, would be to limit the number of people per hex such that rendering is guaranteed.
  10. adamts01

    Limiting the size of a battle would be a sad thing.

    Improving performance would be ideal.

    We're getting Dx11 in the not too far future, and maybe that'll fix these problems. The best thing to do is wait till Dx11 goes live and is dialed in.
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  11. Demigan

    So you try to spawn somewhere and aren't allowed because there's already a lot of friendlies there. A friendly walks out, you spawn, friendly tries to back up (or is just walking through a building that has a HEX border through it) and is stopped by an invisible wall since there's a limit to the number of people per hex.

    An aircraft/vehicle tries to do the same, he/she approaches the hex not knowing how many players are in it and smash against an invisible wall, perhaps destroying themselves. Being on the very edge of a full hex and trying to reach the next one, there's a pile-up of everyone, meaning now we have two hex's full of people very close to eachother and people keep having render problems on top of not being able to approach the place they want.

    Someone dies, tries to respawn, "nope someone entered while you were respawning, also you can't be allowed to revive anymore, please *** off to another fight. Just pray the limit isn't reached at the spawns where it's most likely the limit will be reached or you'll be stuck in a purgatory respawn screen".

    A Sunderer with 12 people approaches a HEX, there's still room for 5 people in the HEX. The Sunderer passes the border and without a precise coding might simply break through the limit and cause the server to crash.

    There's just too much problems with this idea. They are better off trying to improve the dynamic rendering than adding arbitrary rules to an arbitrary hex system that players cannot see unless they are on the mapscreen and without any warning when the next hex over might be full. Just because dynamic rendering doesn't work 100% right now doesn't mean we can get it to acceptable levels. Take the "I drove over friendlies because they rendered too late" problem, it's not completely a rendering issue as the enemies do render with a higher priority. By changing the rendering dynamics to include friendly infantry within a certain cone in front of you, similar to how looking down a sniper scope changes the rendering dynamics in that direction, you have a better chance of rendering them in time to react.
  12. Ak69

    1+ You guys have gone overboard with the infantry hand holding. Open the game up, let people use more vehicles, stop treating infantry players like babies they are fully grown adults who can react to a situation, get rid of those stupid walls and catwalks. Stop focusing on infantry only gameplay.. yuk!
  13. LordKrelas

    You do realize, that the walls are to allow infantry to use a base at all right?
    So they aren't forced to be target practice in every possible place past a bio-lab; Where vehicles barely get to play near.

    React to the situation; Dedicate entire focus onto more-like, as the Vehicle be merciless shelling them, without the walls.
  14. JibbaJabba

    I'm sorry but those huge battles is why I'm here.

    I would rather it get WORSE actually. Pre: O:MFG update 2000 player limits instead of this ~1200 crap.
  15. csvfr

    It might be a cone already as that seems to be the standard. However pro vehicle drivers use 3rd person view to sense the environment. Something might look clear so they turn and drive there, but suddenly 4 friendlies render in front. The cone rendering scheme is particularly bad w.r.t. the harasser because of its speed and missing driver-controlled turret.
  16. Demigan

    Ok so whats the difference between hex-based and centered-on-person-using-cones?

    If we used HEX's it would try to render anyone within the HEX you are in within that surface area. So why not have the surface area follow the players center instead? It would solve problems like "Hey I just crossed the border between HEX's and now my PC is unrendering everyone in a HEX sized area while trying to render everyone in the next area". Thats a lot more trouble than trying to keep track who's in the area anyway, and even HEX based would likely require a dynamic rendering system in busy area's. And if that HEX-sized surface area is following your center... You are using a variation of the current dynamic rendering system.

    Dynamic rendering seems to be the best option. You can see those baddies that you were gunning for but not the friendlies untill too late, so the priority for friendlies seems off. Fix that and most of the problem already goes away without adding more problems with HEX's.
  17. csvfr

    Yeah on second thought, it only seem to be a problem during prime-time large fights. For all we know performance issues in large fights may not even be because the fight is large, but because there is a lot of people logged on.
  18. Who Garou

    I don't think it is really an issue of the size of the area, but the concentration.

    I was recently on during a continent capture alert.
    It was coming down to one base.
    Our platoon (and others apparently) responded.
    We were on the point at the base. no enemies or obstacles showing up near us, stood on the point with the base counter showing 30-45 seconds to go, and the base capture bar was showing locked.
    We were defending the base. It never should be locking defenders from stopping a capture.
    Stood on the point for a good 10-15 seconds with dozens of other friendlies with everyone in our TS3 channel commenting on the control bar showing as being locked.

    The base capture went through for the other faction.
    That faction won the alert because of it.
    I honestly felt like it was cheating.

    Why were all the friendlies registering when no enemies were registering?
    There were dozens of friendlies crowing the point.

    The bar should never have shown as being locked.
    The only reason that there shouldn't have been progress was if there were a greater number of enemies (that weren't rendering).
    Seems a bit fishy.

    Of course, it was a Vanu win.
  19. Vanguard540

    These fights are why I came back on PS2, why remove them? If you want smaller fights the game allows you to pick your fights. T.I aloys indar crowded helm's deep with a good rifle is the best feeling in this game.