I am begging you. Don't make these sniper changes.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Awass, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Awass

    I am willing to beg. This will ruin sniping in the game. And if you must put a cap on, please make it at least 200 meters. Snipers have 1 job, and that's to get headshots. It's true that the maps aren't small enough to limit snipers like in other games, but it's also certainly not easy to hit shots at the very long ranges which make sniping effective in Planetside. I mean honestly, at beyond 150 meters, most headshots are on people standing still, such as being in far more annoying AV turrets. The usual complaints from the Planetside are that snipers are USELESS, not that they are overpowered. So why make them more useless and make that actually true?

    Finally, if you must make this change, at least give sniper rifles a range finder so you can tell if you're within that one-hit-kill range.

    Discuss. Feedback is welcome.
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  2. Hatesphere

    Range finder is a good idea, but I think the idea of this update is to make snipers less useless by redefining their role on the battlefield, snipers sitting at 300M popping stationary targets (even engies, most who would likely use nanoweave anyways) is pretty useless in the overall scheme of things, pushing snipers closer to the battle will mean they will score more kills and even be in a position to infiltrate.

    and the 150m cap isn't set in stone yet, they even said it might be adjusted based on live server data. So i bed you dedicated snipers, how about you give it a chance before acting like the sky is falling.
  3. Awass

    Well they changed nanoweave too. It won't give any protection against headshots anymore. So if you can hit engies at those ranges, then yes, they will die. But they really shouldn't just go ahead and implement this on the live server. They should put it on the test server first, do some research, and get feedback.
  4. Dingus148

    Nope. Forumside rules clearly state
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  5. KAHR-Alpha

    Well, only snipers are actually whining here though.
    Nanoweave is basically getting a huge nerf, yet you see the forum in flames about it.
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  6. Teegeeack

    Not all snipers are whining. I support the change, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  7. KAHR-Alpha

    Well, just the 1337SniperElite kind I guess. While I'm not strictly speaking a sniper, I have about a thousand kills with my sniper rifles, yet I support the change also.