Hyuns Dragons:First ODST Establishment

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by UnionBob, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. UnionBob

  2. bookwormdalek

    I'd like to join! My name in game is dalekbook, and I'm currently a Battle Rank 2. I prefer to play Engineer, and I think that the ODSTs from Halo are kickass :cool:
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  3. UnionBob

    k man!!!!:D sorry couldnt get to yah that fast
  4. UnionBob

    But of course feel free to post or spread the word of us we would like to get out there a bit
  5. GaBeRock

    Git rekt NC.
    Jk, but in all seriousness I hope you bar lockons from your air wing, the idea of a primarily dedicated airsquad with lockons gives me heebie geebies.
  6. UnionBob

    We prefer Breakers and hornets over all but coyotes are allowed for the super high speed strafers since the coyoutes pouuuurrrr out rockeets
  7. UnionBob

    I can also see your concern now but no most of us role with breakers we allow a few coyotes otherwise breakers are way to go like i siad before coyotes can fire rapidly and cna be used in quick in and out strafing runs with heavy fire
  8. Edg3y

    This outfit picked me up and gave me a home while helping better understand the game and how vital coordinated teamwork is to get things done All while being amazingly fun with very friendly members.

    P.S This outfit has niches for everyone from laid back filthy casual to uptight serious tactical.
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  9. GreenGemExtreme

    Hey I would like to join the Hyuns Dragons. My name is Venadin and I recently rejoined the game (played last at launch). Looking for a fun outfit!!!
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  10. UnionBob

    Go ahead and friend my character Hyuniljimae ill get to you on saturday or you could find a HYUN guy give him a tap on the soldier and ask him for a invite
  11. OMGOSH1911

    Yeah, and finding one of our members wont be hard. Just focus on the [HYUN] tag whenever playing. If you cant find one of us, well.. idk what to tell you. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked.
  12. OMGOSH1911

    Oh man, remember that one time! When we used a bunch of stuff to kill those guys, and after we killed them we capped that one base?
    Good times man, good times.
  13. UnionBob

    yeah very specific man was taht the one where we charged in on flashes or when we used exploding pigeons
  14. UnionBob

    This saturday 6-21 4pmcentral 5pmeastern 3pmwetern is our ops everyone is welcome and we would like to accept recruits who want to join at that time since Hyuniljimae will be online then and can help you with any questions or comments you have

    More info on server merge and outfit prep for it will be given when you enter our outfit and/or platoon
  15. UnionBob

    Squads and platoons runnning again now at height
  16. UnionBob

    This is a screenshot taken by one of our TR foes"below displays standard fleet formation" and yeah this guy and his buddies died[IMG]
  17. UnionBob

    Hyuns comp is down he wont be on this week
  18. Edg3y

    Since Our leader is having computer issues as of late you can send Edg3y a tell in game and I will get you squared away also we should have a squad or two up most of the time so don't be afraid to drop in and run with us.
  19. UnionBob

    thnx ed3gy
  20. Shadoiex

    Hey-uh, where's the part including my all-day comedy? It has raving reviews!
    Anyways, been in this outfit for...how long? I'll just go with about 6th months.
    I, for one, could never leave this outfit. Ever.