Hypothetical: You're attacking a biolab...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stargazer86, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Stargazer86

    Here's a hypothetical scenario I'd like a few opinions on. This scenario came up today, and it just boggled my mind.

    Your faction is attacking a biolab. You own 2 teleporters, the one right outside of B, and the one that's not by A. All of your forces are currently attacking through the B teleporter, rushing headlong into a strong NC generator defense that's covering that lone doorway with MAXes and engineers. The Not A teleporter is completely undefended and leads into a perfect flanking attack against the forces defending B. In fact, on several occasions you've personally wandered up behind them, dropped C4, and obliterated about 10 people each time.

    What, exactly, would your orders to your platoon be?

    I'll wait.

    If you said "Attack through the undefended teleporter to clear and take B." Nope. You're wrong. The correct answer is "Screw it, we're being farmed. Let's go somewhere else." At least that's what the platoon I was in decided to do.

    I just don't understand TR outfits. I really don't. They attack through a single teleporter and rush headlong into a strong enemy defense through the one door they're actively camping...and say they're being farmed. You know, instead of simply redirecting everyone to take the uncamped teleporter, attack from an unexpected direction, and completely clear the enemy out of B.

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  2. Tommyp2006

    Agreed, Biolabs are pretty much a "hit it and quit it" kind of attack to me. Hit it all at once, and before the defenders have time to fully reinforce, or you are mostly just wasting time if actually capturing territory is your goal.
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  3. Shatteredstar

    I've had mixed luck pushing biolabs. It requires coordinated pushes and some grenade spam but it can be done.

    Difficulty: large biolab fights being coordinated.
  4. Hatesphere

    I find bio labs the least interesting base in the game to fight at, if i can avoid them I do, since I am not a fan of that degree of infantry meat grinder.
  5. ChampagneDragon

    Honestly, when I led full platoons I would hit twice, typically splitting forces through two lines of attack. If I saw the majority of the pubs were pushing through " A" , I'd send my platoon through "b" or drop them on the alternate pad to push. If you don't get a good foothold after two pushes and the enemy has time to bunker down you're not going to get anywhere unless you have 2-3x the pop of the defenders.

    Not a bad call to move. Pull some of those defending forces to another major defense then hit it again.
  6. hostilechild

    You go VS pull 200 maxes (yep happens, ok only 150maxes and 50 engi/medics) like they needed it they outnumbered the NC 68/32 in a 96+ fight.

    I do thank them for the 20max kills from my 2 sets of av grens from grenade bandolier toward my directives
  7. Jac70

    I think it was the right call, attacking a Bio Lab is about the least fun it's possible to have in a video game, Especially during an alert.
  8. bubbacon

    I wouldn't touch an offensive on a well defended Bio Lab unless it met a certain requirement. 2.5 to 1 pop advantage or better. You have to strike quick with 2 squads dedicated to roof top clearing. If you take too long in the offensive, you're asking to be farmed with extreme prejudice.
  9. Paragon Exile

    OP, your situation excludes the right answer.

    Avoid the biolab.
  10. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    With a big zerg or a random platoon i try Biolabs for max 10 minutes until i change the area or i completly avoid it.
    Why? Because in 80% as an atacker we only have one base (1teleporter) connected to the biolab and no chance to claim the other 2 in time during the atack. Lattice is no Biolab friend. I have this wish since SOE introduced lattice that it would be possible to get all the connected biolab bases and therefore the chance to simply avoid it if your army isnt strong enough and just keep capping the further bases behind the lab and go on normal. Let the defenders rot in the tower of doom.

    Another problem with biolab fights is a phenomenon that i see every time a zerg hits the biolab. 96+/96+ fight and on the map it says its +-50/50%, so an equal fight? No, because of the zerg train every second player drives a vehicle and refuses to exit it. This leads to an infantry number disadvantage in the actual biolab fight.

    Mby an additional problem is the recommended spawnpoint after death. I feel like 90% of the people quick spawn at the given spawnpoint and dont chosse one. All atackers end up only using the sundy under the air platforms and it ends in a front-front or the defenders spawncamp the teleporters once the atackers got pushed back. Spread is just missing here.

    The vehicle thing and spawn point is ofc player related but the defenders only win so many times because its rly easy with one center spawn for the biolab.

    If SOE wont give us connections to the surrounding bases mby they can try to just delete the biolab spawn and force the defenders to get in the biolab with their connected bases.
  11. radrussian2

    labs are terrible. they are only good for grinds. i dont understand why they dont just try to make something out of them that isnt just copy and pastes of things we see at other bases. like i get that there is a limited tile set but why not try to get inventive with it. how long could it take to refurbish the labs? a week? like wtf soe.
  12. Demigan

    This isn't just the TR, this is something all factions and all platoon leaders do. I've seen incredibly good Platoon leaders who, even after suggestions, would still head to the obvious "we've been doing it like this since the beginning of time" solution.
    A part of the problem seems to be the players themselves. Whenever I'm platoon leader I find it near impossible to guide people into a new type of tactic, or change an ongoing attack. While it's relatively easy to tell everyone to attack some other base, changing the tactics on a base you are attacking is something I've never accomplished. At best you get people to wait for 30 seconds for a MAX crash, but that's the extend of it. I've placed beacons behind enemy lines, told everyone to drop on it and hold the point...
    3 minutes in, I'm holding the point still alone, the capture is almost complete and I get gangbanged and the point is flipped. People seem to prefer to just go headlong into an enemy defense rather than change tactic and flank/backstab/circle around and simply make their rush/defense ineffective.

    This is also the case in outfits. Even there people can be slow to react (I'm guilty of that as well). But while we do react, it's still tough to get your outfit mates to do something out-of-the-box, or change a tactic during combat. Once you set these hounds loose on one specific tactic, they will hang on to it for dear life. My outfit mates are still tough as nails, they can hold a point with less than 10% of an area pop with just 1 squad. They can take on tank columns three times their size. But tell them "take the left route here" when they have always gone right, and they will still go left.
  13. Astriania

    I wouldn't hit a biolab at all unless I really had to. Attacking a defended biolab is like bashing your head against a brick wall with spikes on it.

    A and B aren't always in the same place in bio labs. I assume you mean the zerg is hitting the one outside the big stairs doorway in the generator building, and the other one you hold is by banana. In this case obviously the right answer is to have one go at banana and across the bridges. But honestly I can't argue with pulling out and doing something useful elsewhere, you'd manage a single wipe and take the gen building but they'll be back.
  14. z1967

    If you aren't in the biolab and getting that gen down before the defenders get there you have pretty much lost the battle without 60/40 pop in your favor. At which point it is best to lure them out by retreating back and then hitting hard and quick to try and take the base again. If it doesn't work, push a different lattice line until you can lure them away and strike back using method illustrated above.
  15. Hatesphere

    i usually like to take a small squad after we lure them out and not touch any of the points just the gen (usually keeps people from noticing you are attacking long enough to give you a slight edge), once the gen is down we go wild since we can hit the SCU, its the only time its ever a bit fun for us.
  16. Schizomatic

    But it's so rewarding to kick a defense out of Biolabs and /yell "Get rekt and GetTFO!"
  17. eldarfalcongravtank


    i thought labs only exist for farming heals/revives and sticky grenade kills?:confused:
  18. Peebuddy

    Hypothetical: You're attacking a biolab

    Stop what you're doing

    Turn around

    Don't attack biolabs
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  19. Juunro

    Biolabs were arguably the worst designed bases in the game... right up until they released Subterranian Nanite Analysis.

    Maps that would work well in a 24 person Battlefield or UT server do NOT work well in a game that can shove 400 players into a map. The devs should really have figured this out by now.
  20. Vostogon

    Attacking Biolabs is a simple process.

    Have you taken the biolab within 3-5mins?
    If yes. Well done.
    If no. Go somewhere else.