Hyper Aggressive vs Conservative (SMG)

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Mustarkrakish

    Aggressive smg plays gives me an empty smg very fast , if you take an extra bit of time with your enemies you will probably end up stabbing them :)
  2. Bine

    I am an... odd infiltrator. I behave more like an assault class than an infiltrator. I use my stealth to disorient my targets or scout acrossed open spaces. I find using the stealth more as a camo than as an invisibility is much more effective. Unless i find the perfect situation to bait someone into an easy 1hk headshot. I love my short-range bolt action with the little x2 scope. I find I prefer buildings but there are some rocky situations hwere I have a great deal of fun using my cloak for a cheap shot. Example, I find 3 or 4 guys behind a large rock with many little dips in the land around it. I'll show up, blast one in the head or back. If its the head they die. Then I turn and run the heck behind the rock. Go cloak, crouch, and go still. Get up as much of my cloak as possible. When the guys come around the rock chasin for me I wait until all are not facing me. Run up to one, decloak, stab shoot. Another kill. Recloak and bolt around the rock again. Repeat.

    For me, the above works quite a lot. I also drop claymores from time to time so people end up stepping on those too. You can be a real *** playing mind games with that cloak. I dont use it to escape my foes. I use it to skirt around the peripheral vision of my targets or to hide completly still in plain sight *right* around a corner. I occasionally run into the guy with the settings on low but they feel few and far between. I am so glad they got rid of the NS/NV scopes ability to see stealther outlines ;D
  3. CuteBeaver

    I JUST got my new PC last night, and was incredibly happy with how the game handles. I went from about 8-14 frames to 70-120. Since I was so thrilled about all this I was recording and I just happened to catch myself getting into my old Hyper Aggressive habits. As you can see from the footage just when I start to really get going on a kill streak I seem to end them due to lack of judgement. Part of it could be getting caught up in the moment as we all do from time to time.

    That said when looking back on the footage I can see a few things I could do better. I would love hear your input on ways to improve. I had one tiny edit where I cut out a few minutes of running around aimlessly while playing mental games with a Max. I know I shouldn't do that but its too much fun not to.