Hunter QCX, is it really worth 1000 certs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ncDieseL, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. ncDieseL

    So I bought it, and I'm finding myself less than impressed with it, and a little cheated out of 1000 certs. It doesn't really excel at anything, I've tried using it and I just think it's crap.

    With standard bolts, the damage is pretty decent, but it's range is fairly limited since the bolts drop pretty fast. I put a 3.4x scope on it, but the drop of the bolts is so bad it kind of makes the scope pointless. In CQC a pistol just feels like it gets the job done better. I fired 3+ bolts in to a heavy last night and was staggered that he hadn't gone done.

    With recon bolts, I can have recon bolts for all classes. BUT, the "evaporate" so quickly the only way to make them useful is to spam them as engineer, at which point you find all your doing is firing recon bolts everywhere instead of shooting people. Also, equipping the recon bolts stops it from being a weapon since the recon bolts do little to no damage. Anyone else think the recon bolts should have been an alternate fire mode?

    Explosive bolts, I haven't bought them, probably won't since I'm not really using the weapon any more.

    And before you say it, I did try it in VR, but shooting stationary targets doesn't really give you an idea of how a weapon will work in the actual game. Normally I would use the weapon trial feature, but there wasn't one available for the Hunter QCX.

    TLDR; Unlocked the Hunter QCX for 1000 certs because there was no weapon trial. Used it, don't think it's worth 1000 certs, feel a little cheated.

    EDIT: My stats for it :( Would love to see how it's performing for other people.
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  2. Seuchensaal

    It is nearly silent. And... erm... silent. That´s nearly all positive to tell about.

    Quarrel-drop is awful, explosive-bolts feel like throwing little fire-crackers at the foe shouting "I´m here, shoot me in the face" and mag-size is too small.

    I don´t like it, too.

    Even if it can be fun to play hide and seek in small skirmishes using stalker cloak, it feels that there are secondaries doing a better job at it.
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  3. AdmiralArcher

    its fun for me, get stalker cloak and learn how to use the new cloak and you can pop out from behind people and nail them before they turn around, it also makes a great flinch kill weapon
  4. ncDieseL

    I might keep it equipped a side arm, see if I can rack up some kills with it as a fall back. Tried it with stalker cloak, its not bad. Problem is stalker cloak is broken.
  5. Chowley

    Ya I really regret buying it, wish i could get the certs back, its just completely pointless. I would prefer my underboss every time.
  6. Maljas23

    It is completely silent with no view-able tracer to anyone but yourself. I like it, but I am glad I bought it with certs and not SC.
  7. Dtswiss

    Is it a serious weapon you would use in scrim or match?
    Hell No

    Is it a fun weapon to play around that's decent ?
    Hell Yes

    Would I get it before other weapons?
    Both revolvers are betters. It's a mess around with weapon nothing more.
  8. ncDieseL

    Right, exactly, so should it really be priced at 1000 certs? I think 500 would have been fairer. I want my certs back! But I know that's not going to happen any time soon.
  9. Midnightmare

    Its not worth 1000 certs anyways.........But to be fair very very few things priced at 1000 certs are worth the effort :p
  10. AdmiralArcher

    the main reason that i like it is because it can have sights, since im a horrible aim with pistols having a 2x sight on it really helps for me, i have the commie, and its good, bu for me the hunter is better
  11. ncDieseL

    GD-7F, worth every cert.

    I generally judge a weapon based on it's potential to earn the certs I spent on it back. Weapons like the GD-7F, and the AV MANA Turret have been good investments. The Hunter QCX on the other hand... Well I think it's going to take me several years to earn the certs back.
  12. Hatesphere

    I like the explosive bolts for doing burst damage to maxes as they run around. its not that hard to hit a max sized target out to about 75-100m and it does ok damage. up close though its better just to dump a clip from your primary into them.

    got a few assists pummeling sunders and tanks from strange spots with it too.
  13. ncDieseL

    Looks like it's getting a buff. Maybe I'll give it another go. However, these changes still wouldn't account for the fact I couldn't put a full nanoweave heavy down with 3 bolts. He only had like 2% HP, but if 2 bolts didn't kill him, 3 most definitely should have!!!
  14. starlinvf

    Because 40m is not as far out as you'd think.
  15. AccelPrime

    Yeah it needs better damage at range. It becomes very hard to use at longer ranges, so I don't see a problem with buffing its damage at long range. It would reward people who has used the bow a little more & have gotten a hang of the atrocious drop and velocity.
  16. ncDieseL

    It was at point blank.
  17. Reavx

    Its a different type of weapon.
    I like it ALOT however it looks like this is not your weapon... you have 2% aim.
    I mean what the hell.

    I have 54% aim with the thing and I thought I missed too many damn shots.

    Out of your 450ish shots you only hit with 9?!
    Seriously I don't think the gun is to blame here.

    It excels best at using it with stalker cloak.
    I use 6x scope, it has sway but I am used to that.
    You bullet hose people wouldn't be and bloody hell it shows, especially with your stats.
  18. ncDieseL

    2 words. Recon Bolts.

    Also, my impression of it is based on the fact it's a sidearm for all classes, so I'm treating it as such.
  19. AltF4Fun

    When I frst saw the drop of the bolt I almost felt sorry for the guy shooting next to me, trying to hit a guy in a tower. Sure didnt look like the bolt is shot with a lot of power.....
  20. ncDieseL

    And the projectile speed as well. I've taken shots with it only to see the target move out of the way before the bolt lands.