[HSTL] Hostile Paradigm: Flashlights are OP, The only reason we win is through flashlight abuse

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Stodjt.au, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. locosback

    nooooo! i dont have a problem, i just like to occasionally socially drink while on a bombing run, or trying to make friends with the vanu im not too drunk to type yet..... illlget baacjjkto oyu on thattt....
  2. Dr. Coathanger

    Gonna have to say the dance party we had with our other Vanu bffs R8th was a great success. If the Vanu have one thing it's that the Vanu boots is hypnotic when dancing on your tank.
  3. locosback

    i haven't been online to lower my k/d in weeks and we are rising in the outfit ranks for the server and look what happens
    sorry everyone. i messed up.
  4. Dr. Coathanger

    Today was a good day.
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  5. Posse

    lol, your sig.
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  6. LieutenantHuge

  7. Dr. Coathanger

    NC and the VS can't take the glory hole from the TR even if they work together. It's our god damn glory hole and our god damn point, even if we can't take it.
  8. Nyxpip

    What about the power of dance?
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  9. Dr. Coathanger

    For you and Rew Rew we'll share.
  10. Dr. Coathanger

  11. Nyxpip


    Here's one of the group photos from our firework fun tonight. Who knew just asking to derp around with fireworks would turn into an all our 3 way brawl of nothing but flare guns? These guys are some, if you're TR you should definitely look into them.

    Much love to my Space Austrialian buddies! (And fku coathanger for making me your 50th flaregun kill)
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  12. Dr. Coathanger

  13. Nyxpip

  14. Ash87

    Moar fireworks

    Thanks again to Purple Wraiths, DVS, and The Iron Wolves for participating in that wonderful match.

    And props again to Kabei for being one of the winners of the Firework Challenge
  15. Dr. Coathanger

    The shoulder badge of the HSTL elite Space Dingo unit, Peace Keeper Operations badge

    Terran Republic News Agency
    Special Report from the Waterson Sector

    Terran Republic Forces of the 69th battalion, also known as the Hostile Paradigm, were dispatched to the desert plains of Indar to perform a humanitarian mission on behalf of the glorious Terran Republic. Terran Republic high command, in realizing that the war has gradually taken its toll on the under equipped and poorly supplied Vanu Sovereignty, dispatched aforementioned forces to assist in re-securing sovereign territory that had been unlawfully seized by bandits under the loose confederation of Corporate Mercenaries known as the New Conglomerate.

    After many unsuccessful attempts by the various disorganized private military companies to break up the stranglehold that both the valiant Terran Republic forces and despicable New Congolmerate had on Indar, HSTL deployed a contingent of forces to assist a Special Operations Squad known as the Purple Wraiths in securing the civilian support facilities in and around the Mao Tech Plant that was owned and operated by Nanite Systems. A large swath of territory was liberated and turned over to the Vanu Sovereignty to allow them to better support their ailing civilian population.

    We at this news Agency salute the 69th Battalion, Hostile Paradigm, for their valiant efforts. Putting aside their differences with the much maligned Vanu Sovereignty to assist in saving the lives of many, who would have been destroyed by the greed of the New Conglomerate.

    TR and VS forces linking up on the beaches on Indar prior to moving out to assist in their pressing humanitarian mission.

    More images from the front. TR and VS transports lining up before deployment.

    A last moment of peace as the operation comes to an end.
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  16. IvanDrago

    Silly RCN6 Reavers kept trying to violate my one man No Fly Zone of Peace and Friendship. Didn't work out.
  17. Nyxpip

    These guys are a credit to the TR. They pretended to be pirates with the VS for an hour or two like true soldiers.
  18. Dr. Coathanger

    Remember we have candy, puppies, and creepy old men in our sunderes.
  19. Dr. Coathanger

    For those of you wondering why the TR held territory on central Esamir last night for in excess of five hours behind vanu and NC lines you can point to HSTL for getting lost behind lines, rallying what pubbies we found left to be forgotten, and claiming what we could.
    Special thanks to the 382nd and ODAM squad leads that answered our calls for assistance.
  20. Blazer3136

    Recruitment link is 404 error for me.

    That really puts a knife in my metaphorical gut, man.