[BUG] HS/NV Scope exloit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheZooMaut, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. TheZooMaut

    Hello Community!
    Recently I found a bug where you can see tyour HUD as if you had "Infravision" implant, without actually having it.
    How to do it -
    I hope by posting this, I will help the community and the devs to make the game better.

    TZM (aka "reaper1303" ingame)
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  2. Eternaloptimist

    Haven't looked at your video.............I hope you're not posting how to use an exploit (that would make you a very naughty boy or girl!)
  3. FLHuk

    Good job, now get it fixed :)
  4. voidreaperxx5

    It would seem no exploit will save you from the NC teamkill.
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  5. PlanetBound

    Add another one. Not sure if this is all scopes but turning aim while looking through scope sometimes I can see glimpse of enemy vehicle behind a hill or building. Not on minimap though, just the vehicle lit up red. Similar thing happens once in a while entering a sundy. Brief flash of the vehicle, investigate and there it is.
  6. tommyrocket

    The same thing is easily done in an ESF, if you've got two weapons on, and one has thermals. It won't see infantry, however.
  7. LordKrelas

    As that was removed from vehicle thermals.
    Otherwise it would.

    And this is obviously, a problem with how it handles scopes it seems.
  8. Rydenan

    Can confirm, I've had this bug happen to me before. Went away when I re-scoped, so I didn't think too much of it.
    I hadn't considered switching to a non-NV scope. Good catch.

    In other news, is it time to remove the sway and scope-in delay from the HS/NV scope, now that there's an implant that allows for NV vision with reflex sights? In addition to NV while running/hipfiring? It's straight-up superior in basically every scenario where you'd want to use the HS/NV scope.
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  9. LordKrelas

    Expect the whole range, and inability to turn it off.
    But beyond that yes. Perfectly superior.
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  10. Rydenan

    If you have an HS/NV scope on your weapon, your engagement range is limited to the same degree as with infravision. As such, there's not much of a need to see farther when unscoped, and you gain the advantage of easy threat detection at all times, not just while scoped.
    Turning it off is the same as with the HS/NV scope; un-equip it. Since, in this game, death and redeploying happen often, there is little need to make a loadout versatile. Equip NV at night, in smoky fights, or in areas with lots of vegetation. When you leave, equip something else.
  11. FateJH

    I'm not certain if this will come as a surprise but you can release the ADS button at any time. You can also equip your pistol at any time and not have to fumble with the HS/NV on your primary.
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  12. Rydenan

    Well, unless you plan on hipfiring exclusively, or using your sidearm as a primary, you're limited to NV during actual engagements until you un-equip it.
  13. LordKrelas

    Due to ranges inside bases, or most fights, hipfire isn't all that bad unless using a Gauss Saw.
    As well, you can easily launch smoke, making it useful.

    In addition, a lot of sidearms, like the Commissioner, rival primaries easily.
    So having only your primary weapon's ADS be affected, and be slightly slower, is the advantage & equal disadvantage of the scope.

    The Implant however, requires a Terminal, to not be blinded, and in cases where you survive or change environments, it'll easily become a bastard.
    In addition, you easily forget about the max rank sensor shield opponents, and the fact that allied cloakers are literally rendered invisible by the effect.
    Heaven forbid the opposing cloakers.

    So, it's more of an advantage to be only on a scope, than you'd think.
    Expect when you want the extra magnification while keeping it, and the ADS speed.
    Each has their perks.
  14. Rydenan


    Fair points, but I'll say this: The HS/NV scope feels pretty trash-tier to me, due to the sway, scope-in time, and view restriction (the letterboxing). Infravision, however, is very common with the "leetfit" HA players. I see it all the time on their loadouts, whereas I never, ever see them using an HS/NV.
  15. LordKrelas

    Course, since the infravasion enables them to use 1x & 2x without the increased ADS time.
    Scope sway is easily accounted for, when less than sniper-rifle ranges.
    In fact, scope sway on even those ranges can be addressed easily.

    One would think the implant should come with a few restrictions beyond the always-on, given it allows the advantage of any infantry scope, weapon, and unrestricted sight to be turned into Cert-Vision.
    Other than the "Can't see cloaks" bit, but then again, it does have the price of always on.

    (They used to use the Scope, but now they can just see through smoke naturally, or via the implant. So no point)
    Not to mention the RNG of getting the blighted thing.
  16. Rydenan

    I disagree. Sure, in casual engagements it's a non-issue.
    But against skilled players, when your aim has to be pinpoint-accurate, that tiny amount of sway is nothing short of debilitating.
  17. LordKrelas

    Depends entirely on if you can get the shots dead-on faster due to needing less time to begin firing accurate shots.
    It's a gloriously specific-to-the-engagement for the details, that show which is better in that situation.
    Mind you, I have said they each have flaws, that can be accounted for.
  18. Rydenan

    I.. don't know what that means. :/
  19. LordKrelas

    If you can fire the shots accurately first, due to needing less time for ADS to adjust.
    Also, this is about firing your accurate first round, before they fire a shot, landing it can allow you to have enough time to finish it.
    The NV scope has a delayed ADS time, IE before you are actually put into the ADS when triggering it as well.
    IE accuracy while under sway, whomever scores the shots first & faster wins.
  20. LtBomber1

    Semi-correct: The weapons state towards ADS is transferred as fast as for other optics, but the visiblility is not. Your screen will fade from black to nightvision. With good preaiming the disadvantage is minor, depending on how fast you can adept to the changing color scheme and the millisecond blackscreen.