[Suggestion] How would you feel about BFR being in PS-2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheMish, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. ColonelChingles

    I think though that there are definitely gameplay issues about "giant robots" in general that make them difficult to implement.

    For starters, giant robots are giant, specifically tall. Tall things are easier to hit and harder to hide. This means that in order for giant robots to survive, they need to be very tough (to withstand being hit), very agile (to avoid being hit), or very powerful (to kill the enemy before they are hit).

    Obviously each of these three things can make something rather overpowered. But a giant robot at least needs one or more of these characteristics to work.
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  2. NinjaTurtle

    As long as they were ES and not NS sure

    Tank x MAX = What could possibly go wrong
  3. DrPapaPenguin

    My feelings would be best described by a word which starts with N and ends with O.
  4. NC supporter

    BFR's would fit in but adding another vehicle isn't going to bring people back and the Valkyrie took forever to be put on test server so this would take even longer.
  5. Corezer

    is it a Japanese word for cat?
  6. asmodraxus

    As someone that has a subscription

    It would be cancel sub
    Uninstall planetside2

    The planetside 2 dev team have not shown the best abilities when it comes to balancing

    Phoenix AV rocket that spent a week shooting infantry?
    TR striker that started out good, become great and created a no fly zone over TR airspace, so bad it got the Mossie nerfed due to its "over performance" despite it (the mossie) being balanced.
    Lancer that came prenerfed?

    State of VS pistols and I don't mean the standard side arm that is the commissioner, I mean the flashlight er Beamer and co.
    I could go on but we all know what is and is not balanced etc.

    And to balance out a tank that due to the vertical size will attract a lot more AV its way would be to increase the health and or resistance tables so the Vanguard would be like a lightning in comparison, thus meaning tanks would be dead meat.
  7. Mindcrime

    BFR's in planetside 1 was just half of the reason the community hated them. We had a different team running planetside back then and they weren't as responsive to the community as SOE is now. All of Planetside 1's vehicles took a pilot and a gunner to operate, there were very few vehicles where the pilot could gun too, and making a giant robot that could fly with a shield and multiple versions of AA, AP, and HE munitions was obviously going to kill the game. We warned them what it would do to the game play and they didn't listen. It took a little over a year to correct their mistake and balance them (which ultimately lead them to nerf them into the ground) but by then it was too late for many people. Many people felt slighted because of it.
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  8. Rockit

    A simple buggy takes 6+ months so I guess a mech would easily take 2-3 years. At the rate the game is going now there will be no PS2 for them to exist in. Maybe just maybe if the game experiences wide-spread accptance on the PS4, mechs may have a shot but a long ways off. There is huge money to be made from all the potential attachments/weapons and cosmetics though but the development cycle for anything in Planetside 2 is just too long for anything new.
  9. TheMish

    I would think the Mech would be a superior infantry killing machine.

    I mean think about it, those Mechs in PS-1 were TALL. They could probably hit infantry in towers very easily, and maybe even lob shots over gates. Also considering the height advantage, they would be brutal on infantry, making cover useless.

    But that would also make them a priority target, otherwise the losses would be too much.
  10. Champagon

    :mad::mad::mad: NO!:mad::mad::mad:
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  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    i'd rather have IFVs or the Colossus heavy tank
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  12. LaRZy

    BFR was OP when released, but SOE did a good job of balancing it in the end. You haz jamma granades ? o_O uh oh.

    I must say, I loved BFRs in PS1 & the Eclipse was so new and different from my mag at the time, loved to stir trouble by laying in to harded prowler tank column of a large battle and then jump and retreat when you've just pushed your luck too far, only to find a few reavers or mossies have followed you out of the madness of battle, you take a lot of damage but you're still half health and managed to pull them out of the bigger fight and now its you vs two or three aircraft. But there is still a chance to win... :p

    Finally getting my revenge at the aces in the sky whom had pestered my mag for so many years.

    For some reason I never liked flying much in ps1, as so much more was going on and under the ground ;)

    BFR's were awesome, and just like a lot of their vechs, they all had a unique place on the battlefield.
  13. Flashtirade

    They would be very tough to implement and balance properly, especially with respect to all the other vehicles in the game.
  14. Longasc

    Let's first get 3 new pistols and the Valkyrie right. One step at a time. :)
  15. OldMaster80

    When they were implemented they were part of a separate expansion: you bought the expansion = you had the mech. In the beginning the were outrageously overpowered, far beyond PS2 player can imagine. I remember those days and let me say that ZOE, Harasser and the first Liberator post-release were a joke compared to BFR. They suddenly made all the other vehicles of the game obsolete (PS1 has more vehicles than PS2!) as they were the top of resistance, mobility and firepower all together. They just needed a pilot and a gunner, but the pilot alone was already enough to make a real mess as it had control over the primary weapon.
    Many players felt betrayed because the game basically turned into a poor copy of Mechwarrior where the other vehicles had nothing to do but being mobile targets for the robots. Infantry totally lost any capacity to influence outdoor battles. SOE basically put players in front of a dilemma: buy the expansion or you will lose your battles.

    In time they have been nerfed many times and devs created a specific path before to unlock them. It took years to put those robot in an acceptable niche.

    In Planetside 2 implementing those robots in a smart way would be quite impossible. They should be more powerful than a MBT and at the same time they should have more armor to compensate the low mobility. And thy should not be able to jump / fly. But most of bases / structures in Planetside 2 is too open to allow such a beast to be on the battlefield, infantry would be camped and massacrated by those giant robots once again.

    I say no, thanks.
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  16. TheMish

    We got the pistols.

    TR get what's pretty much an Uzi

    The NC got a small shotgun pistol

    And the VS got a chargeable burst fire pistol

    And I didn't get to experience the Valkyrie. 32 bit client is broken ;/ I was gonna buy 3000 sc to upgrade it and use it the whole weekend, I was PISSED.
  17. TheMish

    But wait, if they put it in an acceptable niche later on, then they might have a general idea of what to do with them now. They could implement them with much less problem since now they know what the problems were, and what worked as the devs tried to fix it in PS-1.
  18. OldMaster80

    Maybe, but Planetside 2 is not Planetside 1. Time to kill here is faster, not everyone has anti-vehicle weapons, EMP grandes do not stop vehicles, bases do not offer the same cover they do in PS1. Sometimes capture points are outside buildings and campers have a line of sight from outside walls. In many cases infantry would just have no escape from something bigger and stronger than a MBT.
    This kind of vehicle would be extremely hard to balance as it would widen the gap between infantry / light vehicles and heavy combat vehicles. Personally I'm more for introducing other kind of vehicles like the ES buggies or the long range artillery.

    But you know, after all giant robots are so cool!
  19. Maphreal

    Depends entirely on implementation, I'm not sure what role they could really fill. It doesn't really matter if they ruined Planetside 1; this isn't Planetside 1. We do need more 3+ man ground vehicles, so if they could pull that off I'm game. It's hard to convince my buddies to run around with me in a tissue box on wheels harasser.
  20. TheMish

    Almost everyone has anti-vehicle weapons though.

    There are HORDES of c4 armed light assaults that will do nothing else but try and drop c4 on you

    There's hordes of Heavy Assault with rocket launchers, and c4.

    If anything, I noticed an abundance of anti-vehicular firepower compared to PS-1, it takes much more for me to destroy a tank in VR in PS-1 than in PS-2.

    I think the Mechs wouldn't be that much of a problem. Just cut out the ridiculous flying ability, or if they keep it, remove the shields, and it should be fine. You pretty much have the aim of a God of war in this game, so I doubt the Mech would last long inside bases.

    The only really exposed bases are minor satellite bases, and some towers.

    The problem though I think, is these Mechs would obviously be big, and have little to no cover the trip to and from the Tower would be very dangerous as it's almost certain to get beaten to **** when the defenders wake up, where as a tank can park behind a building, and usually recover, or at least fire a shot, and move back, to last longer.

    Maybe in PS-1 with its game mechanics, and limitations, the Mechs would be unstoppable, but I think in this game, it would work, as long as the devs pay some attention so it doesn't break the game.