How Viable are explosive bolts on crossbow?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jackplays17, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. Jackplays17

    What I want to know is how much dmg these things do to a max. When Im in my stalker with the carver, I Always get gunned down by the max units because I cant kill them before they respond. What percentage of health will a single bolt take off of a max? 5? 10? 20?
  2. breeje

    i don't actually know but they do little damage
    its only good for finishing them off
  3. Iridar51

    AFAIR, Wrel covers the Explosive Bolt's anti-MAX faction somewhere within this video review:
  4. z1967

    Very little, it takes several shots to kill a normal MAX and even more if they have flak. I only use on my pure AV LA loadout for popping multiple vehicle in one life. It also is better to use than the S variant weapons because then you can pick a usable primary for usual combat instead of being stuck with the S variants.
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  5. GoyoElGringo

    Well technically you are trading your OHK knife combo for something that can be decent against MAXes. You are also trading quite a bit of ammo, as well as range(the bullet drop on explosive darts is massive). If you play with an ENG who can drop ammo, already own the OHK knife, don't care so much about long range stuff, and want to kill MAXes, then I guess you'll want to consider explosive bolts.
  6. _itg

    They're not terribly useful. It takes far too long to do any real damage to a MAX (you can do much more with a sniper rifle or SMG), and they barely do anything at all to heavy armor. I've found them mildly helpful when trying to solo sunderers as an LA with c4 and stolen a few kills on burning vehicles, but that's about it.

    By the way, the bolt+knife combo still works with explosive bolts, but it will damage you a bit every time you do it.
  7. Jackplays17

    So... Its 6 bolts and a knife swing to kill a max. Im gonna use it on my Stalker infil, Because I mostly use the carver wielded. This can be a good counter against maxes.
  8. Joexer

    You will get slaughtered. You are basically tickling a max at the range you implied. Especially against NC. Just sayin'.
  9. Jackplays17

    I AM NC :3
  10. Cest7

    8 bolts to kill a max, so 15% dmg to max.
  11. Murx

    The crossbow bolts are a damaging but not really a killing weapon and can be used to get some attraction from a MAX. But to kill a full health MAX with bolts? Can´t imagine. Not even a complete newbie MAX player. It is too slow, reloading and moving in close midrange. Once a MAX have spotted you with your nice crossbow.. no, you don´t want it.
    Oh, since i am playing MAXes if was engaged a couple of times with a crossbow owner. I can say that NOT ONE of them could kill my MAX but always i hunted them down. I can´t remember one single MAX death coming from crossbow bolts.
    And Vehicles? Hmm, maybe one will give abattle sunderer a try to destroy it with crossbow bolts. I would love to see a Video of it ..
  12. FieldMarshall

    Does very little damage.
    You can try it in VR to check how many it kill.

    Also may be "viable" with targeting implant for picking of half-dead maxes
  13. Jackplays17

    Ah wat? Iv just put the bolts on my LA, And STEAMROLLED A few maxes. Being highly mobile REALLY helps.
  14. Crayv

    If I recall the full magazine does slightly less than a hit by the default dumbfire.

    However you can use it to chip or finish off vehicles. It's nice when you find an abandoned Galaxy and you can actually kill it with 2 sticks of C4 and nearly all of your crossbow bolts.