How Useful Are Suppressors?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by RayDrazon, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. RayDrazon

    I keep seeing posts about how bad suppressors are and I can't help but wonder, are they really that bad? I know they can be unnecessary for classes like the HA but aren't they really great to use as LA?

    I just bought the Suppressor today for my Serpent and I really don't see how it is that bad. Sure, there is a lot lessened bullet velocity but seeing as Serpent is not meant for long range encounters, it doesn't really affect me all that much. Plus, it's nice to be able to not be spotted by the enemy on the minimap every time I shoot a bullet.

    So why do people think that suppressors are bad?

    P.S. I also heard that they increase bullet drop but does that affect VS guns since they start with no bullet drop?

    Please post and comment below. Thanks.
  2. anaverageguy

    They don't actually increase bullet drop as part of the attachment itself. Everything's due to lowered bullet velocity, which in turn leads to an apparent increase in bullet drop. There's also reduced damage output at range, but if you're fighting in CQC anyway, there's hardly any downside.
  3. AnuErebus

    They make combat at anything further than short range somewhat poor. My personal take on suppressors is that they're extremely useful in certain situations. They shine in smaller conflicts where the minimap can completely give you away and situationally in larger conflicts where the lack of muzzle flash is a lifesaver. In most conflicts however I find removing the attachment is for the best. It further encumbers the already limited range of carbines and in general just hurts combat effectiveness where the stealth isn't needed.
  4. Cyridius

    Don't buy them.

    It's not that they're TERRIBLE. They hid you from enemies on the minimap, sure. But they also cost 100 certs.
  5. Raidashi

    It depends on if your using them or not. I love mine. Keeps me hidden while i'm raining death down from tree's 'n ****... More people are eyeing that minimap for red dots to appear, and will actively seek them out. Having a silencer prevents that.

    If your just part of the larger mash of people, dont bother. If your more of a "flank from cover" kinda guy then maybe, but most if your a "lone wolf" kinda person that likes to hide in bushes/trees/stuff.

    Also, terrible for long range play. i'd say over 50m and you probably want HV ammo if you can, or you'll start to feel its downsides...
  6. KRE8R125

    I piss on 100 certs.

    Silencers? I'll take four.

  7. HerpTheDerp

    The problem with suppressors is that they're inversely proportionally effective to your enemies' skill level.

    Bad enemies? Suppressor are amazing.
    Good enemies? They do pretty much nothing.
    • Up x 1
  8. Skadi

    Being on your server I can help test the ranges you can detect people using suppressors at.
    Add my TR Grauf and ill help test it when I'm on next
  9. Talizzar

    In the right situation they can be really good. I was sitting up on the outside of a biodome killing all sorts of people who had no clue where I was.
  10. HeadshotVictim

    I use the GD-7F with SoftPoints AND Suppressor...
    my bullets more or less SNEAK onto an enemy, striking them with the aquivalent of a baseball bat... Silently, hard and without warning :D
    I **** on bullet drop and speed and just shoot people into the back. Flying up a window, shooting 2 or 3 people without them noticing I am standing in the window. It's nice how they check the doors when the first one dies, running around in panick when the second one falls... dying, when I shoot the third.
    Try them out on weapons with short ranges....
    AC-X11 with Suppressor is dumb, but GD-7F with is nice.
    (For infis: Semi-Auto with Suppressor is kinda nice)
  11. KodanBlack

    I have suppressors on all of my carbines and even the LMG for my HA. They do a fine job of keeping me off of the enemy's radar and allow me to move about more freely. I haven't seen any reduction in my ability to knock down the bad guys.

    In short, my answer is "no", they aren't "that bad".
  12. Lakora

    Suppressors are awesome I'd say... I've flanked n shot people in the back if I don't kill them they'll just run behind cover and die to my next clip. It's like they don't even look at te damage indicators but just stare at the minimap. Heck the other day I had a very nice killstreak where I sat in the same place until I was out of ammo just killing people and they didn't even look around to find me just hiding behind their cover.
  13. RayDrazon

    As far as I know, Suppressors shorten the range that people can hear your gunshots. For example, if I shot a gun without a suppressor at 20m away from a said player, a good player would hear it and come to investigate. However, with a suppressor, the range of sound is shortened to let's say about 15m. Anyone outside that range hears nothing; even a good player can't do anything because the gameplay mechanics prevent him or her from knowing that I'm there.

    Also, even good players have to look around in the direction of the shooter. Naturally, if a person is shot in the back, if he's a good player, he will turn 180 degrees in the direction of the shot; however, he won't know if it's up or down. Assuming that LA's are the only class who usually attack from above, the player that is shot will usually search the ground level first. That split second that it takes to locate the player could mean life or death.

    If you say that a good player looks constantly everywhere, I'll say that I have never experienced a person twitching his direction of view a full 180 degrees every second. That would give head aches.
  14. RayDrazon

    In my experience, most people just look at the damage indicators and turn around, assuming that they're being attacked at ground level which is 90% of the case. They never know that they're being attacked from above since the damage indicators don't indicate height.
  15. Lakora

    Mmh, true on the other hand if you kill the person you're looking at I don't think any damage indicator can help his teammates from suffering the same fate. :D Until you run out of ammo n can't kill them with the remaining bullets. But yeah it's good thing they don't indicate height... On the other hand I don't even like them indicating direction either... Just a red flash on the screen should be enough to take cover.
  16. Caracal

    perhaps people complaining about the supressor are fitting it to a long range carbine.

    Just because it is shown on the cert list, for a weapon, doesnt mean its a great choice. It appears on the AC-X11 for the players who want to round out the bad side of a weapon, but I prefer to cert into attachments that enhance the best attributes of a weapon.
  17. {joer

    I use suppressors my KD goes down. Dunno why, if its damage reduction or what, but it does so I keep them off. I only fight CQ for the most part, so its not like I'm trying to hit people at 50m.
  18. Spookydodger

    I love to use them on an infiltrator with an automatic weapon. Cloak, sneak around behind someone, and empty a clip and no one is the wiser. To most it sounds like a distant gun firing, and you don't appear suddenly on the minimap.

    Great for behind the line sabotage.
  19. Ghoest

    Ive started using one on my GD-7F pretty much all the time. partly just because I dont like looking at my own flash and partly because they do seem to help at night.
    They by no means are an "I win button" but barrel flash gives you away faster than anything else at night - so if it give me 1/2 a second I like it.

    the flash suppressor would also do this but its penalty seems worse.
  20. Erendil

    IIRC the Flash Suppressor has no drawbacks.

    Beautifully put. The suppressor's not a priority for me since IMO its benefits don't outweigh its drawbacks. Bad players are already easy enough to kill. It's the good players I'd want to have an edge over. But even suppressed shots can be heard from at least 75m+ away so it won't do much good against someone who knows what they're doing.

    And last I checked a Suppressor didn't hide you from Scout Radar. :D

    However, what benefit it does have gets greater the larger the battle that is going on around you, since the suppressed shots from your weapon can be easily drowned out by, well, pretty much anything else that makes noise. :p Once I have all the other goodies I want to cert up I might drop some certs on one for a weapon or two. Until then, meh.