How trustworthy is Higby's data?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Azzer, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    That is very true, a few "fix the reaver posts" not being bumped enough or having very few views confirms what you say, when everyone jumped on a massive "let's nerf the mag" thread, less than half a month later, it happens.

    This isn't the only game in which SOE responds the same way, they do the same on DCUO.
  2. Azzer

    Sadly, that tends to be the case in all games these days. Developers start questioning themselves "Well look, THAT many people are clearly very angry about this, and they won't stop complaining... we'd better do something to keep them quiet" and maybe the train of thought even goes as far as "Maybe we're wrong, maybe how it is ISN'T right, and all those people complaining are...".

    Anyway, glad Higby has acknowledged which graph is "wrong" and that he'll post more data soon. God knows where it'll actually be copy-pasted from this-time though, with a couple of minor manual edits after pasting again no doubt... ;)
  3. Ash87

    Dang it, stop being reasonable, there is a conspiracy afoot!

    It's the Vanu afterall, so you know what that means: Ancient Aliens did it.
    • Up x 1
  4. TeknoBug

    Yes I noticed similarities between the Prowler vs Magrider and Vanguard vs Magrider charts when he posted it. I don't think it was intentional.
  5. BlackAlpha

    Tin foil hat stuff or not, that data is clearly flawed and untrustworthy.


    So only the Magrider vs Prowler graph is wrong. Good to know!

    Never trust statistics you didn't fake yourself.
  7. ps2x518

    What if the dev team actually implemented balance changes based on the data set OP posted? This whole thing reeks of incompetency.
  8. Razor00

    Never mind the man behind the curtain scarecrow. move along nothing to see here. lmao
  9. Disparu

    I'm stealing this quote. Thats my favourite post in months.
  10. Disparu

    The issue is...your right and they did. Higby's post clearly says that kdr between tanks was one of the main things they look at for tank balance, when its irrelevant.

    People have stated repeatedly that unless you remove all confounding variables of tank setup (HE vs AP etc) and make it only 2v2 man tanks (which is the only number of people in a tank you should be balancing for) then your kdr stats are meaningless.

    Instead he continues to post these basic kdr stats and therefore shows he simply doesnt understand that they are invalid. This means he's "balancing" around a point of imbalance, which is now why prowlers have a HIGHER kdr against tanks even though most still use HE because thats what he balanced around.

    This is even without his idea of mags shouldnt be able to climb hills which seems arbitrary and as one guy rightly said "takes the fun out of the mag". Hell I'd prefer every tank to be able to climb hills like a mag used to be able to that strip it from it.

    Until then does anyone have any recommendations of a game I can play until elderscrolls online comes out? The above issues pretty much show that the guy sailing the ship has gone overboard, and i'm a rat.
  11. Cinnamon

    The ratios for vangaurd and prowler are different in two out of the four charts so obviously one of the charts is not pulling from the right data. But all this means is that he faked all the data then deliberately did the charts wrong so he could later correct the charts and stop people questioning the data through this subtle misdirection. Clearly the duplicitous cunning of this man knows no limits.
  12. Sharpe

    I'm honestly hoping no dev will post any more stats / graphs on anything involved with PS2 - if a simple tank kill graph (even if momentarily botched up) generates this sort of stupidity from people, there's no telling what a more detailed analysis on the game would do.

    "We can't trust Higby's charts, they are fake"
    "Prowlers are OP now lol"
    "This doesn't mean anything, obvious atempt to support NC / TR, devs are biased"

    There really are no limits for you people are there?
    • Up x 1
  13. Disparu

    Matthew Higby@mhigby
    Important life lesson: most people can't accept facts which disagree with their opinion.

    Just found this and I have to say he's hit the nail right on the head with this one. Well done Mr Higby sir. So when can we expect your resignation?
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  14. BlueSkies

    So much paranoid fail in this thread...
  15. Vanuub

    TR and NC still dont seem to get why a wrong chart is a big deal.

    The man is in charge of game balancing.
    As part of making the chart (or simply seeing it) he should have spotted it before it went out or he was not paying attention and doing his job.

    It is not assuring at all that balance influencing decisions might be made based on wrong charts (whether copypasta duplicate, wrong by error or wrong by malice, that is a whole other discussion).

    He can twitter wisecrack all he wants (like the above "most people can't accept facts which disagree with their opinion.", of which he has run foul as well). That does not change the fact that it would be crazy to assume the rest of the chart is ok, once it has been established that part of it is in error.
    It has nothing to do with being against opinion - though I readily admit I strongly disagree with a lot of the tank changes that GU2 made. It has everything to do with being cautious of trusting that the rest of it was/is correct, as we have nothing to compare it to nor anything to make a reasonable projection or estimate.

    Lord knows it can happen, we tar, feather and lynch CCP'ers too when they do it, its nothing personal, its just the dirty business of punishing the stewards for blunders.
    Because, when you get down to it, if they let it slip it (or get biased and crooked, cough T20 cough) is up to all of us to catch it and slap them for it. Noone else is going to step in and do it for us.
  16. Zaik

    You must be someone who has never used a computer primarily for their job before.

    Copy/paste mistakes are the easiest to make, and can be the hardest to immediately recognize. The charts provided for us are also very unlikely to be used internally at all, the actual information pasted into them is.

    It's already fixed anyway.

    On topic-ish: Looks like the Prowlers were a little too powerful vs. Magriders until they fixed the deploy velocity bug, now they seem to be doing very slightly better than vanguards do against them, though it's harder to tell because the prowler vs. vanguard one is on a different scale.
  17. fish998

    In case no one realizes, Higby has fixed his data in the other thread, so this thread is now defunct.

    And.... it shows the same thing pretty much, so you can forget your conspiracy theories. Maybe the Prowler needs a little nerf now, but otherwise they're all a lot closer than they were pre-patch. Pre-patch the graph shows the Mag was freaking ridiculously OP, and everyone already knew that so the data is no surprise.

    Of course I'd still like to see number of tanks pulled, and KDR vs infantry for the full picture.
  18. St0mpy

    No it doesnt need a nerf, look at the new chart today, shows # pulled and the slightly higher prowler numbers in yesterdays chart is purely because more TR pull tanks than the other factions.



    Adjust the original chart with this offset and its as balanced as its going to get.