[Suggestion] How to make MLG even better imo :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aztecoatl, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Aztecoatl

    First of all the last night match was great I actually stayed because of that it was interesting rather than


    I noticed some weird stuff tho and I would like to suggest a couple of things to make it even more interesting [ Please correct me if certain features are already in ]

    1. Make a new Server especially for MLG [ If there isn't one already ] . No one likes to see an interupted by some randoms fight .

    2. Characters in MLG can have unlimited Certs . I know this is a bet meh , but if cert gain was easier then it would've been more interesting to see who gets the smightest advantage over the other 2 factions . It isnt tho , so make it on par with all and let the best tactic win :)

    3. 48v48v48 ONLY ! We are here because this is Planet Side 2 , not BF3 not anything . Massive battles SHOULD and MUST be in MLG as well . I bet there are hundreds of Outfits out there that have a stable 48 + staff :)

    Altho sceptical at first , but MLG turned out great and very very interesting . I hope that stays and improves with time .