[Suggestion] How To Make Continent Locking Fair

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malebranche, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Malebranche

    Right now when CL alert happens its all about who's got the highest population on the server. Here's a way to make it better, and fair. :eek:

    You can only die a limited number of times before you get banished to Koltyr until the alert finishes! :p

    The faction with the highest pop means players there can only die 3 times, while the faction with the lowest pop can die up to 10 times (depending on pop ratio) per character before they get pushed into Koltyr. ;)
  2. Sazukata

    Do we really need to explain to you why this is a bad idea?
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  3. Malebranche

    This is a great idea, so fire away. :rolleyes:
  4. LordKrelas

    Everyone would be so damn timid during an alert, as they would lose any & all benefits of actually having an alert, after a handful of deaths,
    Add in explosives or vehicles, and the number of people able to actually play in the alert, is incredibly small.
    With the lowest population, able to die 7 additional times, they need only spam explosives, to empty any map of opponents.
    Let alone TK's would be painful for all sides involved.

    While also pissing off anyone who actually wanted to play in the alert, who played the objective (which is dangerous, and prone to death), would be out of the game faster than the Farmers who are focused on farming not winning.
    So we get timid people, who want to actually play the damn game, let alone win, who have 3 deaths...
    And people on the underpop who had 10, to work with -- 3 suicides with C-4, and you removed a couple to dozen players permanently , with 7 lives left.

    And even then, the Underpop will be timid as well; As no one wants to work for the alert win, to die & lose it all.
    In a game where a one-shot kill is a thing; They're bad enough as it is, with K\D idiocy
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  5. Sazukata

    It's not just the gameplay that would take a hit. Let's maybe think about people getting kicked out of the game for an hour and a half just for dying a few times? Yeah, no thanks.

    And it doesn't matter how many "lives" you add to it. Being locked out the game is bad, the existing faction queues included.
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  6. Skraggz

    Good thing you're no dev, I would NEVER play your game. Kick me to a training room where I can't progress my character and/or actually enjoy the game for an alert timer. I'd seriously shut the game off and uninstall.
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  7. Demigan

    Aside from the already mentioned problems, what about these:

    You just won the alert! You stepped up and brutalized the enemy in the early minutes, but at the cost of all your lives as well. Reward? Well you werent on the continent for most of the alert so here's 8 ISO and one cert...

    Jack: damnit, I died and cant get on. Hey what if I use a bunch of other characters instead? They cant stop people from logginf in now can they?
    Hmmm... Maybe next time I go on another faction, TK the hell out of my allies and then switch back when they've been suitably screwed with? If TK's dont count then you can always agree with friends to set up farm sundies which look like nice attack routes but are actually sunderers surrounded by various enemy vehicle's and the like, grinding lives away from the enemy.

    So theres more than a few holes that need plugging for this 'perfect' idea.
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  8. CplRDaWiggy

    This idea is akin to using a rusty knife to clean your retina's manually
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  9. TRspy007

    lol i was about to reply to him until i scrolled down
  10. Pacster3

    It was a new idea...and it was a bad one. Maybe we shuld get an entire always open continent where we can actually do stuff like this to experiment with for a certain time. I mean it wouldn't be the first time that an experimental idea in an existing game created an entire new kind of very successful games.
  11. Demigan

    Ooh that sounds good, what should we call it? Since its always open to everyone perhaps something with public? And they test stuff on that server. Perhaps just "public test server"? ;)
  12. Malebranche

    OK, fine, TKs dont count towards being sent into Koltyr. Fixed and done. :cool:
  13. FOC-SpikE

    Malebranche, if u have had a closer look since the new alert system is online, u would have seen that not always the faction with the highest pop wins the alert. Vanu for exapmle won many times with the lowest pop.
    And not only that.
    Vanu, due to they have the weakest weapons on close range, can only win by dead bodies on the point getting revived. If the dev´s would make the alert like u say..in the end of the alert Vanu pop would be zero. And now tell me what is fair about ur new system.
  14. Malebranche

    OK so we add the rule that medic revives dont add up to your death count. Done. :D
  15. Demigan

    The VANU inferiority complex strikes again!

    If Vanu has such weak weapons, can you prove which (common!) weapons have lower scores than their NC/TR counterparts? Keep in mind that "we be more experienced" will not be an acceptable excuse as with NS small-arms and all lightning Guns (and other NS weapons like basilisks, kobalts, Halberts etc) the VS arent scoring any higher which would be the case if the VANU were somehow more skillful.
  16. NXR1

    Or maybe they should implement some sort of population queue for the faction with overpop.
  17. NXR1

    Oof Im actually going to bite here and say, yeah I agree vanu weapons are the worst. HOWEVER, they are the easiest due to their high accuracy and small CoF. NC has the highest skill ceiling with having the lowest TTK with headshots while TR has the lowest with torso hits but vanu doesn't have the lowest in anything. Their DPS kind of sucks and their guns have lower velocity and more damage drop off. A new player with VS guns can do just aswell as a vet because they dont take much skill, however a new player with NC guns wont get the full effect from the consistent headshots while a vet will be completely destroying with them. also gauss saw OP please buff
  18. Pacster3

    The test server is to test the next patch....and not different game modes. And the number of players taking part there is pretty low(because you need to install the game a second time and you don't get certs etc. for your main char). That's exactly why doing it on that test server would end up as a fail...
  19. Demigan

    So the test server, designed to test things and also already used for concepts such as a hybrid lattice/adjacency system which is pretty close to an alternate game mode, is not the place to test new game modes? What you going to do? Add a second test server? You cant add it to the live servers as it would force people to download loads of random crap that's being tested and they might not even want to test it. You also spread tests, making test server even less used or people confused if they need the test server or test on a separate place on the live server.
  20. Demigan

    So the defense is "I dont see any advantages, but they are easy to use". But are they lower in performance? Do you realize that ease of use is an advantage in itself? Having more people be able to effectively use the weapons is especially useful in a large group-based game where the average player is so numerous that it's far more influential on the game's progression.