[Suggestion] How to Improve Hossin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Abraham with Cheese, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Abraham with Cheese

    I like Hossin, namely because it almost feels like I'm in Vietnam or Dagobah or something. Sadly, people stopped playing there, likely because the bonus was changed from MAX nanite cost reduction to XP increase. People can get plenty of XP all the time, whilst Maxes cost quite a few nanites. I'd say bring that back, but instead of 50 percent cost reduction, make it like 33 percent. That way, people would actually want to fight over the continent instead of it turning into a ghost-capping frenzy.

    However, some other changes would be nice.

    1. Get rid of all those canyon walls. It's a giant swamp continent, make like one significant mountain range and have a base or two on top of that, the rest leave relatively flat. We've got enough canyons on Indar and Amerish as it is.

    2. Make some trees taller by a good portion, so that aircraft can fly under them, but not all. Also, put in more small trees, like literally only a meter or two taller than a sunderer.

    3. Redesign some bases, especially those "Construction Site" ones. Give me an abandoned bunker system partially underground where there's water up to your knees and it's really dark in those corridors. Put in an old abandoned mine that requires light bridges to move over the toxic sludge sitting underneath. Give us a mountain-top base with trails up the side and along the ridge. Anything to break up more of the monotony.

    4. Make a few more wide-open areas for tank battles. A lot of people "remember" the Vietnam War as being a terrible tank-battle area, but in the north it was ideal: wide open, hilly, solid earth, you name it. Let's get some of that: replace those sheer cliffs with large rolling hills that even a Vangaurd could drive up.

    5. Replace some of the more dense vegetation with an abandoned building or two, make it feel like the swamp is trying to overgrow everything.

    Feel free to add any suggestions, minus "remove Hossin". The devs worked to get that to us, even though it was 2 years late, and now people whine they don't like it. I do like it, though the devs should at least give us a reason to fight there again.
  2. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Merge Hossin with other continents :D
  3. Jubikus

    I think people underestimate how powerful those reapair ammo towers are. Ive locked down a prowler next to one and killed 40 vehicles before they just stopped being pulled and i haven't only done this once. And any tanks that do manage to get around are at a strict disadvantage as i dont even need to move to simply outgun them because if they go into cover to repair well ive been doing it the whole time and i have unlimited ammo so the battle of attrition is always in my favor.

    However the situations where this is this powerful are rare half price maxes arnt like half price air or tanks because with air an tanks theres at least a good chance that you can simply avoid them using buildings and such maxes can go anywhere which makes dealing with a bunch of them a nightmare.

    Now as for hossin itself personally and i think for alot of people we actually think the base design there is the best of all the continents the issues are the in between bases the natural terrain many of the mountains are too steep to use for tactical reasons as vehicles cant get there but they do a good job of forcing vehicles into narrow valleys where they can easily be C4d by light assaults the shallow water pools may not stop vehicles but they make great hiding places for tank mines and then you have the massive trees which are great for swooping in between with ESF but are horrible for trying to use Galaxys as your main form of re spawn for an assault. So in short the natural terrain of hossin makes it a hard place to make use of any tactics between bases despite the bases themselves being pretty well made themselves which makes the continent great for infantry but bad for combined arms.
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    Step 1: Finish Hossin( complete all construction site bases & bases that look like them.

    Step 2: add more Trees & foliage.
  5. matt0027

    Add 100% reload as part of the reward. Drive up to ammo tower, all ammo replenished at once.
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  6. FateJH

    We must follow the traditions of our proud civilzation. We must pave over Hossin with cement, then build it up with sprawling urban development.
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  7. Taemien

    Remove Indar. :D
  8. Pikachu

    Revamp it into a 3 biome continent. Keep the swamp for 1/3 of the map. Remove half of the bases. Make bases less confusing. Less dead ends and one way streets. Make vehicles able to drive through pod plants. Give me the red low sun that was in the concept art. Change back the skyfile to old version.