...or, at least one way to get reported by n00bs. I just got reported for being a stalker and being on top of a building without having a spawn to get there. "sniper cannot fly up there," etc., (there was a lot of broken English). So, just in case I do get banned for knowing about this game mechanic, and in case there are others out there who didn't know that a stalker with catlike 5 can get on top of just about anything, here's a helpful video showing how to climb up onto the top of one of the buildings at Chac Tech. And believe me, stalkers climb up on top of EVERYTHING. It's one of the few ways to deal with the advent of the p*ssycam (aka the 'deathcam'). Basically, almost every surface (including trees, vehicles, construction, etc.) that is close to vertical but isn't quite vertical, we can climb up (and you probably can, too). In fact, the closer to vertical it is, the easier it is to climb - 85 degrees is wayyyy easier to jump up than 75 degrees. Hopefully, this PSA will keep a few of you n00bs who keep reporting us for being on top of buildings, in trees, etc., from looking New™.
Why use the LA? There is mad trickjumping to be learned. Mad trickjumping. Nearly every building in the game from powerhouse to triple, to you name it has some way to the roof or a high point. I play Emerald, any faction, usually 8pm ET or later. I'll teach anyone that PMs. me.
I made a post a while back about false reporting, it's not just noobs. A particular citizen of Connery who has "2012" in his name is infamous for it.
Important to note that 60+ FPS is highly recommended for climbing, it makes your life a lot easier as you slip and slide a lot less while spamming jump.