How to get mad kills in a liberator as pilot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NyaR, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. GigaClutch

    Heh well Ill hope to see you on the battlefield ;)
  2. mavix

  3. GigaClutch

    Well its not good but its an improvement, the fact that you dont get any kills or xp speaks for itself, some people seem to believe that survivability makes you good and to a degree it does but if only do a little damage and leave you wont make any difference at all because theyll just hop out and repair again, making your 'skill' useless. Its funny how many pilots think barrel rolls are a good evasive manouver.
  4. NyaR

    It is about fun. I had an adrenaline rush during the 2nd video and that is a win in a video game win or lose. I don't find safe gameplay fun. Additionally I killed 3 infantry and 1 tank, in the grand scheme however that doesn't matter as my faction was not contesting for that point. You can have zero kills and capture points as a mosquito and do infinitely more good than someone spamming rocketpods at zerg.

    The video in the thread is just me hovering and switching seats, and in the end I rammed the plane because I thought I would just catch fire and use my fire extinguisher. To claim I'm a bad pilot based on that video is stupid.

    The point I want to make is that you shouldn't throw around baseless assertions and judge people with limited information.

    Lol what? Same youtube account, same handle inagme...
  5. GigaClutch

    Well if your not happy with how it went why post it called mad liberator kills, why post it at all even?
  6. Sifer2

    This vid shows that even though the instant seat swap is ridiculous that it isn't that OP on the Lib. That was painfully slow, and apparently none of the guys on the ground could aim the dumbfire launcher worth a crap as that looks like an easy shot to me. And it was also pretty funny that Reaver felt like suiciding when he probably could have easily taken out the almost on fire Lib with the slightest bit of manuevering, and shooting. But that's actually a pretty common sight these days is people who I assume don't know how to fly at all just spawning an ESF to Kamikaze.
  7. Urquhart


    Well i think the ones to blame in the end are the grunts not laying down some heavy fire when there are loadout terminals right around the corner
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