How to get 239 cp with 10k score

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Riku, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Riku

    In this thread you might or might not read how to do it.
    I don't know.
    I hope one of you can tell me.


    Prehistory: Had ~420 cp, bought a 400-cert, had like 20 left, I play for less than an hour and have 239 p .q
    I know most of you won't give a wet fudge. Hell even post in this thread how much you care if that makes you j*rk.
    But if anybody knows this bug(feature!?), please speak up!
  2. Alphablue

    You reached the 1000 kill mark on one of your weapons, giving you 100 certs.
    Maybe even two of them.
  3. Zer0range

    It's probably a bonus when accomplishing X Y with Z ... or something like that.
  4. Compass

    I heard a rumor that 1000 kills with a weapon (Auraxium Medal) = 200 certs.
  5. Rokeugon

    WHAT! well thx for the info now if you dont mind im gonna go rack up the kills
  6. Riku


    thanks a lot.
    Yeah I'll check it when I'm back ingame.
    I'll see what I can find and report back!
  7. xNPCx

    I can confirm this, I got the Auraxium medal on the starter LMG for NC. It's a nice reward.
  8. Deathcapt

    Get Medals! Get Certs,
  9. myrmexaw

    you better go and spend all these infantry point you're loosing so you won't complain you don't have enough for c-4 later on :)
  10. Riku

    Those 1000 kills might have been with rocket pods on my mossie,
    however it doesn't show how many and what kind of medals I got with it. Only for the guns/nades...anyways,
    will most likely be the pods.

    Thanks for your help!
  11. Hodo

    Rocket pod 1000 kill mark.
  12. Delax

    For every weapon in game you can get medals and when you get a medal for said weapon you get some extra certs with it. The first medal I think is just a few certs, but they build up with each medal you get.
  13. Riku

    Yes Delax,
    but I was confused because the vehicle weapons aren't listed for medals.
    Now everything else is self explaining, the only question left is why the vehicle weapon medals don't show up. Or am I just blind?
  14. Alphablue

    I got the Auraxium medal on my EM6 (LMG) last night and could have sworn that I only received 100 certs... Then again my total at the time was about 260 or so and I wasn't paying attention to how many certs I had before, so it could be a 200 cert reward.
  15. myrmexaw

    they show up on the vehicule report wich include unfortunately all weapon so you cant track wich one you completed and did not complete ... Another half ***** feature it seems.