How to Fix the lancer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pixelboom, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. NightFallz998

  2. Joram

    The lancer is to good at extreme long range and to bad at close range, if i had to complain about something is the damage against max, is to freaking high.
  3. Arquin

    I wish, but then again i can hit them just fine. Just need very low dpi.
  4. Phaex

    What the Lancer actually needs is to not bug out while charging and only charge/fire one shot instead of three.
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  5. Spookydodger

    I don't really have a problem aiming it at extreme ranges. My best use-case example is when TR / NC head south from Indar Excavation towards Quartz Mining. Nearly every TR attack force that comes north has been largely stopped by combined Lancer / AV Turret / Phalanx AV Turret fire with good AA coverage. By the time the TR get there their armor and aircraft has been decimated and the few infantry usually are a result of Sundys that drove early to the east to park off to the side. The range of when I start firing has to be at least 300 meters but I'l have to verify. Basically it's about half the distance from the Quartz towers to the Excavation outskirts. The hard part is knowing how far ahead to aim to hit small moving targets like Harassers and Flashes. If you don't use charged mode, and do a test show with lowest power, you can zero in on the range a lot easier and get some great shots.

    And the charge time isn't 6 seconds. It's like 3 seconds with a couple of seconds of "hold time" afterwards. You'll notice that the third chevron lights up after about 3 seconds and then auto-releases at about 5. If you release the trigger after the third chevron lights up, you'll fire immediately rather than waiting.
  6. Spookydodger

    I don't think I've ever one-hit-killed a Flash with a Lancer that was at full health. I'd have to check, but it doesn't seem like they die instantly unless they took some chip damage.
  7. Spookydodger

    MAXes always kinda suck at long range. That's supposed to be the range that Armor typically shines, instead. VS get something that makes infantry effective at long range, NC something good at medium range, and the TR something effective versus aircraft.
  8. Eugenitor

    The Lancer is devastating in groups, but all the ESRLs are devastating in groups. Striker, Phoenix, or Lancer, you can't get your tanks in range of a sufficiently large group of any. "But the Phoenix only has a range of 300m!" But the Phoenix only shoots around corners.

    One thing to remember: Higher-power shots have slightly more velocity.

    And yes, release after the third chevron lights. Too many VS are just holding down until it goes off by itself.
  9. Chioxin

    Lancer is fine, learn to use it better?

    Though the 3 hit thing happens to me too, a lot. These 2 hit shots must be at close range or something, which I never get.
  10. gloowa

    Lancer needs to stop being bugged, than we can talk about balance.

    My Lancer routinely fires only one 'bullet' despite being charged to 3 and having full mag.
    Another awesome feature of the Lancer is that if you die when you charge it, after respawn, your weapons are unusable until you fire the Lancer at least once. (all guns in hands are in strange position, keep twitching and scopes/ironsigths do not work)
  11. veselie

    You can get a slight zoom by lowering the field of view to minimum.
    I also get often the bug where it fires only one "bullet" instead of 3 , sometimes I really need that charged shot. sometimes it bugs my primary and pistol but can be fix it by charging the Lancer.
  12. Akashar

    Using the lancer without charging to augment my chances of dealing damages, I realized that this weapon, used in squads, can totally be the ultimate threat against ground vehicles, even libs, less against esf if well piloted, like no other weapon in the game. The biggest problem with it is to make everybody in the outfit have one. ^^
  13. pixelboom

    well i still argue my point that we need a zoom option for lancer that can be bought with certs.. for someone like me who has most of his graphic settings lowered, its really hard to see after 300 meters.. >.>
  14. Gendomaoken

    Lets see: Everyone whined about Phoenix 1shotting players-gets nerfed, Everone whines about striker-it gets missle AI upgrade...
    Better watch out what you wish for people...
  15. WalrusJones

    It has damage falloff at range, If I remember correctly.

    If you are shooting at an ESF that has taken any damage from a friendly unit, it should die undeniably.
  16. Van Dax

    The lancer is fantastic, in sorta the same way the lasher is fantastic. It has its place and in that place it is awesome, it is not and is not meant to be a "catch-all" weapon. I personally use a nemesis, a decimator, and a lancer almost equally and they all have their place. Only thing I'd like on it is a zoom lens.
    Though the bugs are really bad, nothing like wasting all the time charging up for it to have no effect.
  17. Drealgrin

    Lancer is totally fine imo. Except for the bugs.

    The first bug where it doesn't charge past the first charge.

    The Vortex bug where every charge it kicks back every charge, severely interupting your aiming.

    Once those are fixed, weapons will never leave my loadouts.
  18. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Lancer is fine damage-wise.

    Only time I see people QQ about it is when there is a large amount of them taking out tanks at 500+ meters at Indar Excavation Site. (You can thank the Lattice system for frequent concentrated groups of Lancers and Vortexes)

    Only change I'd like to see is a 4x scope instead, and a larger ammo pool. It's annoying to lower my DPI to 200 so I can manage to nail a small pixel hanging above a rock.
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