How to download PS2?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by zmxC22, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. zmxC22

    Thread title says it all.
  2. YxzzY

    1.wait for server to stop burning
    4. ???
    5. Profit?!
    • Up x 1
  3. L04D1NG

    its up on steam but i cant find the official DL link :p
  4. RoosterNE

    Their servers are getting slammed, so there is no download available yet... unless you want to use Steam... which I do NOT want to need to have that client running to be able to play PS2
  5. MaxUrsa

    the steam download is currently been wonky
  6. Iadien

    • Up x 8
  7. Cyridius is down - must be too much traffic?

    The guy above me seems to have it
  8. RAS

    steam has the play button but when you try to install it it says you don't have a subscription ...........................
  9. Root

    More than likely Steam will just install the regular version. Hoping anyway heh, I don't normally keep it running either, just wanted to get the DL going.
  10. TenseiUnten

  11. Floorinho

  12. Shreddi

    Figures, SOE couldnt predict this? If we purchased the soe BS pack for 40 bucks will it be recognized using steam download since soe is not working? Whats frustrating is this large of file takes about 14 hours in areas where T1 is fastest available access. Not making available in stores on disk is another sony being as greedy as possible going direct decision, which is understandable if they could handle it. They Can Not.
  13. Goorge

    Steam work you just neadto restart it
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  14. RF404

    Automatic redirect when the countdown finished?

    Yeah... who was the genius behind that one?
  15. Radius

  16. Sparkatb

  17. Cristari

    Yup if the DL goes down really low just pause it for a second then restart it and it fixes the slow response from the servers.