How many times have you seen these bases captured?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by kesuga7, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. kesuga7

    In a even population fight from start to finish
    just curious is all
    • Howling pass checkpoint =
    • Regent rock Garrision =
    • The crown =
    • The Ascent =
    • Subterranean nanite analysis =
    • The bastion =
    • Indar Excavation site =
    • Quarts Rigde =
    • Mathersons Triump =
    • Watersons redemption =
    • Crossroads Watch tower =
    • Scarred Mesa Skydock =
    • Vanu Archives =
    • Sareo Listening post =
    • West Pass Watchtower =
    • Jaegers Crossing =

  2. Rimaxan

    The more they are on the center/borders the more combat they will get.
  3. FateJH

    I see these bases trading hands all the time. You're just impatient.
  4. Goretzu

    I don't mind the harder bases, it adds variation to the game, they all can be taken, but they do need differing levels of overpop or more organisation.
  5. Taemien

    I've seen most of those bases flip a few times. Some of the Amerish ones not so much because the few times I've been on Amerish in the last week, the continent capped really quickly.

    Many of those bases actually flip pretty quickly when an outfit has a decent leader in charge of a platoon. But if its just a rolling zerg or cat herd.. it doesn't work so well.

    People need to understand that you can't just roll a sundy or two in and cap the base like that. Sometimes you need to do a bit more, or change it up. Yesterday I saw a platoon roll up 16 sundies... they figured they could deploy one and surround it with the others as a shield.

    They didn't get one deployed, they were destroyed in seconds. The base they were trying to do it to was in the East Canyon, Palisade, Crimson Bluff area. An armor zerg was just wrecked and that was their 'solution'. If tanks couldn't push through.. what the hell makes people think a Sundy could?

    I've noticed there is some really bad or I should say.. bland and disingenuous strategies being used. In addition Outfits are just refusing to speak to one another. I was in a platoon earlier where we were outnumbed and about to lose the Esamir due to the double link victory condition.

    PL said he put out a request on command chat for reinforcements. They never came. And he was saying, "we did our best.. but '#-faction' wanted to stay on Indar. I did a little research by clicking the outfit browser and checking who was around. The outfit with the most players was the one I was running with.

    Everyone else had 5-8 players online. Some of these outfits had 300, 500, 1000, total players. One outfit had 2/1005 or something of that sort online. There's the problem right there. Too many mini-outfits.

    What many people should consider doing is checking to see how many players they have. If they can't run a full platoon for at least a quarter of the day (6 hours, during their memberbase's primetime) then they should consider merging with another outfit. All outfits should also purge their rosters to see exactly where they stand.

    But there is why there is stalemates. Accross the servers and factions you have too many 'leaders' and not enough people getting stuff done. Seriously.. if you can't run a full platoon.. or at least a squad (if you prefer smaller scale OPs) during your primetime.. what exactly are you doing?

    In this example, this PL was complaining about not getting help. Well he did get help. But it wasn't enough. He had everyone who could see the chat.

    This is what needs to happen.. Every faction on every server needs a centralized TS server. They do this over in MechWarrior Online to coordinate pushes in their Community Warfare (which is similar in scale to a Planetside 2 map). On this server, the various outfits leadership can login there and use it as a better command chat (moderated in real time, and doesn't require certs).

    I'm going to show such a channel from MWO, so everyone can check it out to see the format:


    That only shows the tip of the Iceberg. But in the screen you can see different fronts. Such a server-faction channel in PS2 for say.. the TR could have channels devoted to NC fronts on Indar, Hossin, ect, as well as for against VS. They could have a channel for requesting armor, air, or special ops support.

    But the best part would be channels for players looking for outfits, squads, or players to join outfits, squads, or platoons. The idea is just to build community within the factions. Right now everyone is just kinda doing their own thing and are not getting anything really done.
  6. Kcalehc

    In an even fight that stays 50/50 the whole way through, very rarely; because such a thing almost never happens - your question ignores reality. I've seen them change hands plenty otherwise.

    Bases I've almost never seen change hands are those closest to the warp gates, that rarely see any action at all. Which is a shame because some of them are actually much more interesting than the interior bases.