How many kills did yopu get in session?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Sovereign533

    I usually have a 1 or 1,1 kdr since I main medic and I play to keep the rest of my squad up.
    When I play infiltrator (only other class I really play) I am a bit to gun-ho. I don't care about my deaths so I can get a maximum of 2,5 kdr. Other then that as an infil I also play to support my team, so strategic EMP grenades and radar darts.

    When it comes to Daddy, he basically (mis)uses everything that can keep him alive. He used to bail out of aircraft when he got shot down so it would be a suicide and not a death. But that got nerfed. After that he started LA'ing out of aircraft.
    When the lolpods were nerfed and the AA boosted he started going as a MAX with a ball of support around him to keep him alive.
    Daddy is really good at what he does, and what he does is farming and staying alive.
  2. current1y

    What is a session?

    If its per death then as infantry I'm 6.5 kdr, 11 vehicle kdr in my scythe and between 20-60 for lib weapons (mostly infantry).

    If its per hour I'm about 60 kill per hour as infantry and ~20 aircraft kills per hour in my scythe.

    No idea how you crazy people get 100+ kph lol
  3. Regpuppy

    Nah, three is too easy for long term players and newer players already have shorter term goals like individual metals to chase after. Also, them being a slightly special variant of the default is fine. We really do not need a bunch of "new" and "better" weapons. These sort of rewards should be more about status and achievement than another level on the power grind.
  4. DatVanuMan

    Personal importance and being significant! Tata, tatatataaaaa, YEAH:cool:
  5. patrykK1028

    Guys you are talking about Daddys 40 KDR, but on leaderboards I saw guy with 200 K/D
  6. Jur270

    Well i mean kills not kdr
    In a session like 1 hour or 2
    I remmber the maximun kills that once i got was 76 and almost infantry entire in 2 hours as infil la and ha
  7. Alizona

    If I did the math right I have about 3000 kills in 1000 hours of play, give or take... so that's 3 kills per hour. I see people that average closer to 3 HUNDRED kills per hour, so... yeah. Hey, I earn my XP, I just do it a lot different way than most. :D
  8. lawn gnome

    i looked at the stats page for the one i was curious about and i saw nothing that blatantly suggested any form of hacking, just lots of dedication and most likely a very aggressive play style.
  9. current1y

    eh? Who are you talking about? I never said anyone was hacking o_O. I was responding to the OP maybe you thought it was talking to some one else.
  10. lawn gnome

    it looked like a response to a statement i made earlier about stats that someone had posted.
  11. Unsp0kn

    I played for about an hour last night and didn't kill anyone, just rezzed lots of team mates and died twice before logging. No idea what I "average" because I play so differently each time, but usually I'm stoked to have 15-20 in a couple hour session. Lots of other ways to earn XP that I'm trying to chase rather than just run and gun.
  12. Yuki10

    same... played about an hour and a half until server disconnected me and had KDR of about 1.2 with only 16 kills. Why? Because i was providing air support just chasing enemy away, not really trying to kill them.

    On another day, maybe 50-75 or so per hour
  13. lawn gnome

    i think XP per minute is probably a better indicator of how effective players are. i die a lot as my heavy, but i also butcher armored vehicles and sunderers on a regular basis which very often has a major effect on the outcome of the battle. effective medics that revive and heal people are probably the most dangerous players in the game, because a single effective medic can bring an entire assault back from the dead to try again.
  14. Krayus_Korianis

    I once killed about 10-15 people with a shotgun in the span of, oh, 10 minutes. (NOT COMMON!) I was guarding a point as a LA, I kept hidden and listened for their footsteps. I snuck up and plowed'em in the head with a Haymaker with an extended mag.
  15. lawn gnome

    i once caught a sunderer that was spawning streams of troops from a hole, with my lasher. the only time i remember ever sitting and farming and i am pretty sure i got around 20 kills in the span of 2 minutes, just standing on a rock holding down the trigger and watching the kill tags pop up.
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  16. Unsp0kn

    I think so too and now I don't spend as much time flying around solo doing nothing lol, spent a few hours being a "tourist" once and got shot down multiple times because I suck at air-to-air combat and wanted to see how many times I could circle the NC warpgate before someone had enough lol. Now I focus more on actually doing things that are productive. Being a medic is more fun than I thought!
  17. z1967

    I think I once got ~20 or so kills in under 30 seconds by throwing some C4 on a MAX crash loitering on a point (about 14 kills on one brick and the rest from the second). Wish I had recursion stat tracker for that lol.

    It depends. I try to put in 25 or so kills on the Trac-5 Burst before either vehicle farming or LA shotgun stomping. Hunting vehicles is also quite a bit of fun too lol. so, around 10-100 kills per session.

    On my new account, I have exactly zero kills. I spawn with a gun out and switch to my medi-tool/engineer tool immediately. So no K/D on that account lol.
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  18. IPLAYTF2

    360 kills in 98 mins as heavy/infiltrator
  19. Liam23490

    Obviously it just depends on how long you play for..
  20. LordTankT9

    I never killing enough....