How many certs have you wasted so far?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Oreo202, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Oreo202

    I did some calculations and found that I have 3251 wasted certification points.

    The largest vehicle culprit was the liberator, at 982 wasted certs, which I found out I hate flying. Coming in second was the magrider, at 506 wasted certs, which I found out I hate driving. My sundy and galaxy were left with only 2 certs each that I did not use properly.

    The largest infantry culprit was the HA, notably the Ursa which I can't stand using. 390 certs or so sunk into that thing. 0 wasted certs on my engineer though (unless you count carbine attachments, which I threw onto my light assault), so all good on that front!

    I can't wait for cert respecs. I'll be able to get my scythe, medic, light assault and lightning all certed out with some certs remaining.
  2. treeHamster

    Well I wasted 1000 certs last week on the Lancer. What a piece of crap that was. Oh well I've gotten 500 certs so far since Friday so I'm not hurting too bad. If needed I have one SMG 4 kills off an Auraxium medal that I can always cash in for 200 certs, in an emergency (though I'm waiting for another double XP weekend so I can get 400 certs instead).
  3. DoniSWhite

    So when you were initially playing you wanted to be a liberater pilot, but later on felt differently. Same with the magrider... understandably due to the nerf.

    When you put those certs in, were you using them?

    Honestly i have over 3000 certs in my LA... That i don't play anymore.
    I loved my LA, Loved it. Never complained once there was nothing else i could do. However due to the nature of the game found it lacking in support, and unable to effectively combat the rise of vehicles. So i went engie... and put allot into him.

    I have certs in my lib two... even bought guns for it.... When i did put/bought them. I used them, i wanted them. That was then.

    Hell I have over 5000 certs put into my flash... yeah... MY FLASH. I LOVE IT. I can go get one in 30secs. Go full turbo, or full radar, be a hill climber or a max on wheels. Will i always?.... no....

    I don't think about all the money and time i spent on some ex-girlfriend and expect/demand to get it back. At the time that's what i wanted, so i invested into it.

    Doesn't work that way. Got my medal on my avturret during the weekend only got 100. It's just like bases. Only XP you gain from kills/support.
  4. Devrailis


    Bought the Annie.

    Shame on me.

    Otherwise? Never wasted a cert. Partly because I've stopped spending them. Sitting on nearly 5.5k at the moment.
  5. Slaidd

    I've wasted a lot of certs while I've been deciding which class I like playing the most. It would be very nice to have an option to re-cert. I might even pay smedlysheckles for that, more than likely.
  6. Slaidd

    Nice! I've been dumping some points into my flash as well! Love that thing!
  7. DoniSWhite

    It's awesome isn't it?
    Awh man i'm still trying to perfect my MBT tactic though :p. Once i do... MUHAHAHA HUMILIATION.
  8. Lucidius134

    Upgrade M40 magzine size twice (more is better but 2 should be enough).

    Jump off and hit in *** with Deci
  9. DaninTexas

    All the certs into my reaver and vanguard are wasted to me. The other two ESF and MBTs are better in nearly every way.
  10. DoniSWhite

    Yeah.... I have a 9clip fury... with thermal... and Ammo... :p
    And i'm trying to perfect the ripping past them and rumble switch throw tank mine rumble back.... but it's allot harder agaisn't a real player then in VR :p. (After unloading the fury clip)
  11. P4NJ

    Pretty much all of them, except for the HS/NV scope for Carv, laser sights, 2x reflex for everything and the Striker (which will be nerfed anyway).

    That's not a lot though =P
  12. tugernut

    dont have my account here but id guess easily in the area of 10000 certs ive wasted , including the 1430 i spend last wek on the VS smg ( sirius )
  13. Lucidius134

    Oh god.

    I did exactly that and giggled so hard I cried.

    I used turbo to fly at a parked lightning and then swapped to rumble and ghost rode it into him and dropped the mines. I drove away and he shot me dead and then drove over them. Might be easier if you had a friend though!.

    Imagine: 9 to the rear, cloak and drive past the MBT, Decloak and hit with rocket in the side
  14. Slaidd

    Sweet! Yeah, I have the m40 as well, have to get some more upgrades for it though. I'm thinking I'm going to be working on a way to knock down a prowler with the m40 to low enough health I can hop off the flash and finish them with a decimator rocket. :) Fear the flash!
  15. NinjaTurtle

    Too true, shame the other factions are either religious fanatics or *****. I think I'll stick to the NC
  16. Nocturnal7x

    I put a few into the vanguard HE cannon and I only use heat now so yea...Aside from that I use most everything ive certed, or feel them valuable to have when needed. Maybe how I play helps, I just sit on certs until something happens and im like "hmm, really need that" like tank mines this one time and now im glad I have them.
  17. FateJH

    I haven't wasted a single cert yet. I try to plan far in advance and make careful decisions about cert spending.
  18. MetalGrave

    my prowler ap turret
  19. pucwyczes

    Around 8-9k on liberator, probably another 10k on reaver, vanguard, lightning all together.
  20. DarkSteve

    200 for anti-vehicle grenades, which turned out to be useless crap. Hope to see them buffed soon.
    100 for the Command thing that lets you use /orders. I didn't knew that you had to be squad leader to use it.
    That's all I can think of right now.
    After reading how much others have wasted, I am quite happy with my amount of wasted certs.