How Is [THIS] Fun?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alarox, May 28, 2013.

  1. McJackson

    At least on Ceres there is not much proper fighting on other continents when I'm playing. And it won't be long until the Lettuce comes to the other continents as well. :(

    I admit one thing is nice about the Lettuce... My AV-turret is very happy about all the tanks it gets to destroy.
  2. IamDH

    You want a small battle?
    You can still find one
    You want to ghostcap?
    No you cant
    Although i agree that there are some strategic abilities that have been removed by lattice, i can jump into big battles now
    its not the ideal system but its better than hex
  3. Vanus Aran

    You sound so pitiful.
    Calling zergs without alternatives battles.
    Have fun with your selfbetrayal then.
    • Up x 1
  4. IamDH

    You can still find small battles just look for 1-12 enemies on the map
    I got what i signed up for, large battles
    You dont have to follow the zerg
    You havent provided me with a convincing reason to want hex
  5. Alarox

    I agree, usually I love defense. But it's really frustrating when you're so outnumbered that even if you:

    1.) Prepare everyone for AA, there's so much air you'll still not hold them back.
    2.) Prepare everyone for AV, there's so many tanks you'll still not hold them back.
    3.) Prepare everyone for AI, there's so many infantry you'll still not hold them back.

    Which only really happens in extremes.

    However, the base design (and game design) is pretty much attackers > defenders. Once the attackers get in position, it's over usually (unless relatively even odds or there is a skill difference). Sure in these cases I'll go rambo taking out sunderers solo, drop podding on enemy aircraft, ambushing mindless idiots, etc. But it usually gets to the point where your spawn is literally a cage.
  6. ghnurbles

    My hope is that the resource rework allows a small force to have greater effect if they play well. At the moment it doesn't matter how much armor you take down, it's trivial to replace. I would like attrition to be more of a factor with the new system.