How is SOE ******* up so bad???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tykune, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Tykune

    I would like to ask both the devs and the general public... how the hell are SOE ******* up the game so bad? It seems like every patch there is more and more bugs destroying the game, and some are from several patches over which, apparently, they never fixed. Among the latest server problems, there are several annoying bugs such as:

    Stairs Missing on Amerish
    Tank debris touching another tank blows them up instantly, giving the kill to the driver
    Faction colors on owned facilities dont properly change over
    Terminals dont change to faction color when hacked (OLD *** BUG)
    Claymores, proxie mines, bouncing betties doing no damage sometimes when ran over (ALSO OOLLLLLDDDD)
    The shield hitboxes on the AV and Mana Turrets go off the shield to the right and left, denying skilled shots. (OLLLD)
    Plenty more I am certain...

    SOE, you are already gaining a very bad reputation with the community with all the bad quality of work you are doing. Yes, I know its a lot of work, and I know coding is hard, but how the **** do you accidently delete stairs from a continent that you didn't even touch???
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  2. f0d

    how about shield generator icons that say the shield is destroyed but it isnt
    or the opposite - the icon says the shield generator is ok but its destroyed

    also sometimes it says its destroyed on the minimap when it isnt
    and it says its ok on the minimap when its destroyed

    i never trust shield generator icons anymore :rolleyes:
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  3. Hatesphere

    its been that way for me since OMFG1 sometimes I also see biolabs with 2 A points on my mini map.
  4. f0d

    its been like that since the game was released for me
    one day ONE DAY - they will fix it
    but i fear it will be 2030 by then and i will be playing planetside 4
  5. dciz2legit

    Its the NC pushing higby to much for a half *** update! Everybody knows its NC fault for pushing their god higby to push out a crap update before the the holidays.
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  6. Killuminati C

    Aside from initial kinks most of which they quickly work out after each new update, I personally don't have many problems. Everyone has the ability to jump on the test server although I don't think nearly enough people do so preferring to ***** when the patches go live. They seem to get most issues resolved relatively quickly.

    This one is pretty annoying. For quite awhile there I would just take the on screen icons as legit only to run halfway across an amp station or tech plant only to find an intact gen but meh, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it and I generally get a few kills along the way.

  7. Villanuk

    The test server does not always simulate the game server. Higby said that last night on Twater. They have a different set up, so the bugs we are seeing were not on the test server, ie Tanks have no turrets.
  8. Santondouah

    What about you guys take a 1 or 2 week break for christmas and come back whining only then, when the devs will have fixed most of these issues, as usual after a big patch release ?
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  9. Tykune

    Not as usual with most games as you think.
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  10. Santondouah

    Who talks about other games ? Did you pay 60$ to earn the right to play this game ? Guys, this is a F2P. There is no 300 persons team just like there is for BF4 or CoD, but the dimension of the game (and thus the complexity) is even bigger. You guys don't realize the thing I guess.

    Yes after every major release they mess up the game but this is only for a while and everything important gets fixed within a few days, which is the most important.

    FYI there will be a hot today afternoon to adress a few bugs among which the hit detection issues.
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  11. Grayson

    Don't worry the game is still in closed beta (why don't people get it), when they will finally release the game there will be no bugs, the devs will fix it. ;) #trollface
  12. Tykune

    Just because a game is free-to-play, borderlining pay to win, doesn't mean it has to be poorly done with low quality services. You cannot really compare PS2 with BF4 or CoD, considering BF4 and CoD use less people on a server due to having richer content and quality in its gameplay (and due to their focus being widely different than PS2's focus of continent wide combat). The only thing similiar to them is that they are FPS. Please use your brain before making irrelevant comparisons.
  13. Tykune

    Closed beta means only select people can join the game and test it for its kinks. If you mean OPEN BETA, where anyone can register and join to play it, then there wouldn't be competitions, or publicity gimmicks like Argatar or whatever the hell his name is. Games like Planetside 2 are always changing and shifting, reworking, and the sort. If this means that such keeps the game in OPEN BETA, then it will forever be in open beta.
  14. Grayson

    I just can't believe what you did....
  15. Thorval

    I think most of the issues that are cropping up right now is because all the severs are basically test servers until they fix the real ones with that crashing issue? I dunno just something I've heard. Even so, you need to relax and enjoy the game, there will be bugs, and sometimes you won't get that kill because of some lag.

    I just finished an alert on Connery fighting in a Biolab and had bunches of fun, didn't notice anything terribly out of place or shots not landing properly. Animations were alright and my foes had no issues drilling me into the ground with their lazors :p Got killed by a proxy mine along with two other people. Everything seems to work just fine, and the bugs are not bothering me either, even if I do see one its not that infuriating.

    Their team for bug testing isn't hundreds large, you are probably expecting maybe too much out of the poor folks while they are keeping the game running through the holidays while most of them would probably prefer to take a break. Talk to your friends, shoot some snowmen, have a few laughs, and enjoy yourself instead of trying to crucify the dev team for things that aren't that big a deal.
  16. Tykune

    Perhaps I am expecting too much out of them. Though being someone who has played several upon several MMOs, you may be right in that aspect.
  17. Thorval

    \o/ Hurrah! Let us go forth and kill each other over different colored bullets!

    *EDIT* Ahem, or lazors
  18. Tykune

    I cant believe you failed to quote XD
  19. BloodMonarch

    Perhaps in one of their developer meetings some up and coming bright spark might suddenly have an idea

    "lets make the test server actually replicate the live server so we can find these bugs before the patch goes live"

    ......stunned silence.....
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  20. Camycamera

    i blame forumside's whine threads. like this one.
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