How? Guy blows up my reaver inside warpgate with grenade..keeps doing it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hazmat88, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. hazmat88

    He is like always destroying my reavers in the timer is almost 10 minutes I have to wait. Every time i repair he is there throwing grenades at my reaver....

    How and why can people kill your vehicles in the gate?

  2. Haruk

    Are you in the reaver when he does it?
  3. hazmat88

    No..I am outside repairing it when he lobs grenade and keeps blowing it up....time and again.
  4. Haruk

    If you're not in it, it can take damage. Any empty vehicle can take damage in the warpgate. Griefers gunna grief.

    I advise autorepair.
  5. Lamat

    And report him
  6. Nepau

    As an anti greafing mecanic, Any vehicles in a warpgate that does not have a Pilot/Passenger can be damaged. This was done to stop things like Engy turrets being left in doorways blocking people from getting out of the building.

    If the same person is repeatily destorying your aircraft like that I would sugest that you report them for Harrasement as Purposily Tking someone continualy, or blowing up their vehicles is not really allowed.
  7. Mr_Giggles

    Also don't land anywhere near the player spawn building. I like to go for the opposite end of the complex.
  8. Kid Gloves


    If I'm bringing in a heavily damaged vehicle to repair, I'll repair it somewhere away from the crowds. Either that, or land nearby and wait for some other engi to come up and get some free xp. You won't have to wait long unless the warpgate is a ghost town.
  9. The King

    Should stop landing there after you report him. Unless you want SOE to get more info on him doing it over and over, which would result in a suspension or something. I don't really know...