How Does One Counter Hover Duelers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verviedi, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Verviedi

    This is a mossie.

    This is a scythe.
    -----|. \--------

    This is a reaver.
  2. Dead soldier

    you'll kill yourself before you get them. I've been hit by a hornet once, and died to them never. Mumen jumped me while I was fighting YoYo and got a lucky hit.
  3. Gleerok

    What is pretty unfair on my view. Why the NC can have an "AI" nosegun that works fine and can easily compete with AA noseguns at AA duty and the other 2 factions are left with AI noseguns that will left you absolutely crippled versus air? Of course, that is understandable, if you specialize in one field, you shouldn't be able to do much in the other. That is not applicable to the Air Hammer, as it is very well used as an A2A nosegun, and can be pretty fearsome if used by a good pilot
  4. GaBeRock

    It's balanced by being much less safe to farm infantry with-you need to get up close and personal, making yourself an ideal target for flak, bullets, or that anhihilator heavy that just ruins your day.
  5. Gleerok

    Thats pretty much standard for everyone who ventures into infantry farming and lolpodding, and not, at all, exclusive to the Air Hammer. Albeit you may need to get a little bit closer than the other options, you are still as vulnerable as when you stoop by to use banshee/ppa/rocketpods
  6. Silkensmooth

    I havent used the banshee, but the ppa is much much better at killing infantry imo than the m30 AH.
  7. Levtech

    Press ALT + F4 and watch them go bye!
  8. TTex11

    Roll up sneakily into position with a skyguard, wait till they're preoccupied and swat em out of the air in mid-hover duel. Hoverfighting may look fancy and make you difficult to hit for air but it makes you a sitting duck for skyguards.

    Actually the general rule of thumb is that hoverdueling works well against the guy you're facing but makes you easier to hit for everyone else, though certainly it can help keep you alive longer against packs of fighters jockeying for position.

    That AA cannon on the ground simply is grateful for the easy target, however.
  9. Corezer

    scythe isn't a Frisbee, it's an Aerobie ring with a chunk snipped out for the front.

    I don't know why yall call it a Frisbee... it's much more like a letter "C" and a Frisbee is more like an "O" without the hole in the middle....
  10. Verviedi

    I call them pancakes. They look like a pancake that my cat took a chunk out of, hence my outfit name.