How do you get a custum outfit decal?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tcsisek, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Tcsisek

    I want to make my own outfit and want a custom decal how do I make it?
  2. Regpuppy

    You don't, yet.

    They're still working that out. Right now we use pre-existing decals, which the outfit leader can pick from any he owns to represent his outfit.
  3. NyaR

    It was supposed to happen last year, but they changed their mind. It was supposed to happen last big patch, but they messed up.

    I give it another year.
  4. Tcsisek

  5. Cinnamon

    The only way is to submit a player studio decal that anyone can use.