How do you empower Fatestealer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exitus Acta Probat, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. Exitus Acta Probat

    And when you do, do you still get to keep Fatestealer on top of having Nightshade?

    Normally I wouldn't ask, but it really chaffs my *** running around the map for hours bored as all hell not playing PlanetSide 2 but some demented scavenger hunt, and I have to do this on all 3 empires in 8 days.
  2. Pacster3

    No, you do not keep Fatestealer...well, actually you keep it in hands and in your loadouts(not sure what happens after a relog). But you can not select it once you use a different knife in your loadout it definitely is gone.
    It makes sense to lose it cause you basicly make the new one out of the old one. For those that like to auraxium knives that is pretty sad...but everyone else would not equip Fatestealer anymore once he got Nightshade.

    To empower it you first need to finish the 100kills(and shinies as well, I guess). Then you go to the Heyoka area on Amerish(not sure how that hex is named. It's the one with the switchable energy bridge over the deadly acid water) or to Gourney Dam on Hossin(no idea if it is possible on Esamir or Indar). There is some kind of green glowing shadow tree(that's how it looked with my potato settings) growing out of the acid water. Equip the fatestealer and press E when you are close to that tree. That's it.