How do people play ? (another air vs inf balance thread)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kafein, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Kafein

    I have over one hundred hours of playtime, half of which are infantry. I'm a pretty jack-of-all-trade-ish player. I paid 36 euros back in beta to get the alpha squad package, with which I bought the inf starter and vehicule starter bundles. I play TR.

    Now that this is done, I have a very serious question. I hear a lot of people complaining about aircraft here. May it be be ESF spamming rockets at infantry or liberators with their silent c150 daltons (I don't know whether that's a bug but I don't hear any shooting sound, making dalton libs difficult to spot). Most of this is about aircraft (and even vehicules in general) being too strong against infantry.

    Now, how do you guys actually play inf, if air is killing you that much ? I've killed plenty of inf as ESF, I piloted libs a lot and have been in the gunner seat a few times. So I know how it works, I know what kind of inf player will be shot by aircraft, and what kind of inf won't. As an inf myself, over about 50 hours of playtime, I can say I've been killed by aircraft barely a handful of times.

    Isn't the "whine" a little bit exaggerated ?

    Aren't 10 (or more) infantry in the open camping a hillside deserving to be wrecked by air and ground vehicules ? Aren't the "whiners" substituting their own inability (or lack of will) to adapt to their environment with a game imbalance ? Infantry isn't supposed to be the dominating force out of buildings, and many people seem to have illusions about this.
    • Up x 2
  2. traum

    the whine is isn't exagered, it's very difficult for an infantry to take down an aircraft or a tank, but it's easy for an tank or aircraft to take down an infrantry. And the XP for the infrantry is isn't even rewarding the effort. WTF about galaxies wich can kill dozen of infrantry before beeing taked down because of their outragous health?

    So for me:
    -All vehicle should cost LOT HIGHER, to only have ~one avaible per hours. I hate seeing dozens of tanks wheeling on infantry.
    -XP should be compensated, killing an infrantry with tank or air should be greatly decresead.

    And because as NC i HAVE to whine :)
    -Effciant antvehicule/air costs 1000 certs (guided missile, econd weapon for max) , but as infantry we already have to upgrade/change our base weapon, so the first certs aren't invested in efficient anti vehicule weapons.

    And "how I play as infantry vs air": I took my double AA max, or I run covers, or I play exclusivley in biolab where all this mecanised BS is nearly useless.
  3. MasterCheef

    People just dont want to take cover. If a lib is flying overhead and i keep spawing to the roof and getting killed- thats my fault, not imbalance.
  4. HadesR

    Apart from you take cover and they shoot through one of the many opening's and kill you via splash damage ..

    I agree that Inf shouldn't be the dominating force outside of buildings .. but vehicles should not be able to interact with Inf who are not outside to the extent they can atm
  5. Kafein

    I agree on the xp part, I think kills and assists in general are too greatly rewarded compared to capping bases and, god forbid, successfully defending one. But I don't think that's a vehicule-only problem. I've made countless certs just putting mana turrets behind invulnerable glass in biolabs, yet that doesn't help the faction at all, and I think those WW1 infantry meatgrinders are the worst kind of gameplay ever.

    Changing the xp prizes in a more PTFO approach would also nerf vehicules globally, as only very few bases can be capped with vehicules.
  6. MasterCheef

    I'm not saying its perfect, and you have a point. I just dont want air/tanks marginalized and taken out of the equation like so many seem to be clamoring for.

    I so think splash damage should be greatly reduced inside of structures. Especially if they dont want to give us windows.
  7. Matti

    +1 Op
    People play as if air doesn't exist and then they flame when they die to it. It's sad to see.
  8. phungus420

    I really think it's more an issue of base design, simply not enough cover. ESF is so fragile already, I have no idea how people could want it nerfed, 1 AA MAX has alot more localized air superiority capability.