How did YOU choose your faction ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by shd, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. shd

    And did you come to regret it ?

    That NC thread made me think, why exactly did i go for them ? My story is: i played VS in beta and wanted something different in live. NC felt more unique then TR (compared to VS) and also most pro/PS1vet outfits back then seemed like they would go TR and i didn't want to join what could have been the overpop/easy win side. I never considered balance at that time since that shifts a thousand times during a lifespan of an mmo.

    I also never regretted my decision.

    So, what made you choose your first (main) faction ? Lore, weapons, vehicles, looks, music ? Maybe if there is a pattern in peoples choices they can make factions more attractive without just throwing balance around. :)
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  2. Ash87

    I read the lore.

    The NC's ties to corporate interests turned me off...
    The VS's religious leanings annoyed me...

    The TR had the closest thing to a legitimate claim IMO to Auraxis, so I went with them.
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  3. jiggu

    TR was red and black and had glorious music, it was obvious from the start which was the superior faction.
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  4. vincent-

    At first I went tr thinking of my past guilds that always went evil or imperialistic side of things. I later found one of my main guild buddies later on to find that vs was their pick so yea it was friends.
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  5. Robes

    more dakka
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  6. Epic High Five

    The NC character creation screen was one long guitar solo, and I freaking loved the guns. Still do to this day, damn near every last one of them. Can't say the same for the cultists and the dinosaurs, but what do I know.

    I'm just a freedom fighter trying to liberate Auraxis from those who would see it ravaged
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  7. doombro

    There was no choice.

    Only duty.
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  8. Ned

    I chose the colour I liked the most

    That is the only difference.
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  9. Epic High Five

    Well then you chose duty so what you just said doesn't make any sense


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  10. Prudentia

    They said there was a faction that had Lasers and technological advancement.

    THEY LIED :eek:
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  11. WarmasterRaptor

    Loyalty, Honor, Tradition.

    It's the only true "Home Team".

    Legitimate rulers.

    Terran Republic.

    The others are traitors and heretics. They can burn!
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  12. Tylerso12

    Well for it was the lore. But every faction has its ups and downs

    NC: Fights for freedom but is also controlled by corporations

    VS: Wants humanity to evolve but is forcing people to evolve.

    TR: Wants to reunite the factions but is also a dictatorship.
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  13. aRottenKomquat

    The Terran Republic has the coolest name. Plus Terra == Earth, and so at the time I assumed the other two factions either were not human or not tied to Earth.
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  14. Akeita

    You know how hard it is Terran getting stomped by Protoss ?
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  15. Pouk3D

    I've chosen the one I dislike the least to be honest -Really not a fan of space 'merica and being from a post communist country the whole TR vibe really makes my skin crawl. I don't like religion either, but at least Vanu are the only people who aren't afrain of using an alien tech and don't call it a blasphemy.
    And then of course they have a Magrider.
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  16. VaIhall

    Well at first I thought about creating a TR but I suspected that they were based on the Soviet Union and I don't like communists and the NC well they just look so extremely awful... their armor is awful looking and the colors doesn't look good at all and their music is so horrible so no NC for me. So I chose vanu because those are the ones I found the least faults on.
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  17. MarvinGardens

    I chose NC because I loved the Phoenix Missile in Planetside 1. Even though the Phoenix Missile wasn't released at launch, I joined up in anticipation of its glorious arrival. Came to regret it because the Phoenix Missile maneuvers like a turd in water and has crap range. Damage is good, but DPS is horrible. Even if you're in the optimal situation to use Phoenix Missiles, spamming Decimators are way more effective.

    Stayed because I played all three factions and I realized that every gun in the game will kill just as well as the next one, and all faction specific AV weapons are pretty gimpy(now at least, Striker was boss for a good amount of time). Plus my NC character had the most certs earned on him so might as well stick with it until I max out(whenever that is).
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  18. Zorro

    I figured that, if the game takes 900 years in the future and two of the factions still use projectile weapons, then obviously the one with properly futuristic weaponry knows the path to technological progress. In addition, I agree with the Sovereignty's ideology, despising those of the TR and the NC. Finally, I wanted to join a quality over quantity army.
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  19. CommodoreFrank

    I like bonus checks.
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  20. Rogueghost

    They said "Rogue we're going TR."
    I said alright.
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