How are the SMG's going to compare to the other automatic weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Imposer, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Imposer

    The title says it all "How are the SMG's going to compare to the other automatic weapons?" We have the light machine gun; high rate of fire, large ammo reserve, high recoil, then Assault Rifles; good accuracy, low recoil, longer range, and Carbines; smaller assault rifle with less power and recoil. So where is the SMG going to fit? What's it going to be useful for? Speculate away.

    I have no idea. my crystal ball is broken ATM.
  3. Suroped

    Don't know how they will compare but they will look like even shorter versions of existing weapon models.
  4. icesail

    If I had to bet I would say it will be exactly like the AMP machine pistol we had in PS1. Very fast ROF, blooms maxes out after 1-2 bullets, so you have to spray and pray while inside shotgun range. It should take the all magazine to kill another player, once you take into account how many bullets you will be missing...
  5. Thagyr

    People are clamoring for the SMG to be able to be used by infiltrators, seeing as they don't have access to close combat weaponry, which is kinda strange considering they have to go to hack things typically.
  6. TheScapegoat

    SMG are designed around CQC, while is may open a new option for the secondary weapons at all classes.

    I would assume only Infiltrators will be only class able to spec into it as a primary weapon.
  7. Littleman

    Or they could take a page from MAG: generally loses damage very quickly over distance, but has faster reloads and allows players to carry more ammo than they would with a rifle or carbine.

    I'd also prefer if they were a handgun slot item, and handguns rebalanced to being a bit better as an overall weapon. Then we could work in magnum caliber side arms, grenade launchers/rocket launchers for the rifle slot for most classes, and we'd have ourselves some real customization in our load outs!