How are infiltrators seen so easily?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SquirtAttack, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. SquirtAttack

    For some reason, no matter how long I am still and crouched as an infiltrator, I am easily spotted. People can see me from distance, they can come around a corner and spot me right away and shoot me, or as they are running past they will stop and shoot me.

    Is there a graphics setting that makes infiltrators easier to be seen? With my settings set to ultra, I can't even see an infiltrator even when I am sneaking up on them while they are spotting and end up right on top of them. I have to wait until they move before I can see them, or guess where they are after seeing them running and then stop. I have yet to see an infiltrator when using my darklight even though I know they are there, yet I am easily spotted with darklight from 25+ yards. WTH? What is the secret?
  2. Mianera

    I can confirm this. Something is wrong. I don't play infiltrator myself, however I have noticed they have become much much easier to see, even when crouched and not moving (aka deep cloak).

    Don't know if it is intentional or not from the devs, but I stopped using flashlight on my secondary cuz it's so easy to spot them.
  3. LodeTria

    Deep cloak is not a perfect cloak, and gives of distortions even if you're not moving. Think of it like the Predators cloak from the movie, it'll make you un-noticed but if you know what to look for then you can see it from a distance, and it gets easier to see the closer you get. You also have a hit box so if some-one runs into you they get stopped and will know you are there.
  4. Taemien

    This is why:


    You're NOT invisible. You're cloaked, or more specifically engaging Active Camouflage. There's no special setting other than putting on Ultra for character models to give it higher definition.

    But what you need to understand is Camouflage is Camouflage, whether it is Active or Passive. The camo you wear on your armor and such is passive. Meaning its static, doesn't change color, and never changes pattern. Active matches that which is around you. Giving the shimmer effect.

    You're still visible. You're harder to see, harder to make out, and harder to notice. But you are still VISIBLE.

    In order to not be seen, you need to BREAK the Line of Sight to your observing enemy. In other words. Don't use Cloak to not be seen. Act like you don't even have it. Imagine you're playing an Engineer, how would you avoid detection? Do that instead.

    So what is cloak useful for? Two things mainly.

    First one is its outline defying properties. Look at the Predator image above. Now imagine you are about 100m away. Which way is he moving? Which way is he facing. Where does the head start or end? Hard to tell. Makes you even harder to hit. Useful if you're out in the open, and need to take cover. You're less likely to be hit enough to die. In addition if you haven't been noticed.. you might not even be noticed.

    But its NOT a failsafe. Understand that you can still be seen and noticed. Not only that, but you will be ID'd as a infil sneaking around. So you want to make approaches still by using cover like every other class.

    Second one is breaking spot indicators. When you are spotted, a dorito appears over your head, and an arrow appears on the map for every enemy around the spotter. This is a DEATH SENTENCE. For most. But not you. Hit F and those indicators disappear. Understand however that observant enemy will still have noticed when they appeared. So get out of that location. Or better yet, know where they may come and ambush them.

    Remember, INVISIBILITY is where you can't be seen. Invisibility is an illusion performed by Magic in Fantasy. This is Planetside, not Dungeons and Dragons.
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  5. Eternaloptimist

    Whilst cloaks have never made you invisible I have to say that since I changed to high graphics I do see infiltrators more easily. I assumed it was just my change of settings but then I am seeing more of these threads in the forum..................
  6. Jubikus

    unfortunately the only things infiltrators really have going for them is recon device and EMP grenade and hacking is important depending on the battle. Drawbacks are only class with less effective health than the others and only class whos ability is countered if you simply go against anyone with a good amount of experience as they have developed a keen eye for noticing on the fly population drop also doesnt help either as there less things to distract them from noticing you.

    In total the class is the best example of a double edged sword it packs the least combat power outside of fighting inexperienced players but also has the most overpowered tools available this is why people prefer to run one per squad in case something needs hacking and for the tools and nothing else and thats fine.
  7. Scifi

    I've been spotted that many times from distances that has me thinking hacker, I've been seen while crouched in a corner. It's like weve got a orange beacon on our heads. I've just made a thread about the DarkLight Torch.
  8. Liewec123


    that was 70m+ and no i wasn't camping, i'd only just arrived, so its not like he knew i was there.
    (this happened last night)
    something is very very wrong.
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  9. breeje

    and on the PS4 people are complaining they can't see infils
    DBG must really hate us PC infils

    it needs to be balanced, had the same problem last night
    i was starting to think everyone was running with a aimbot until i started talking to a guy that killed me over and over
    like he was describing the visibility of my cloak i was better of not using it and only run with a camo

    with and without cloak

  10. Moridin6

    i had a GDmn tantrum the other day after getting wrecked for Hours with this bs..

    cloaked, hidden as if i didnt have cloak, crouched, not moving, no enemy recon devices, ive been there for a few, didnt do sht, didnt move my eyelash and someone run right up to me and kills me, time after time

    it got to the point where i lost it and made like 30 reports.. im not proud of it, but something other than me sucking was going on.
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  11. Liewec123

    yeah, something has definitely changed, i myself killed a deep cloak infil yesterday in a similar situation to the one in my vid,
    i could see the shimmer from 20m away.
  12. Cyrax Servius

    I play on ps4 and have no trouble spotting the little bastards...
  13. LaSouris

    It's because the people on PS4 are either really far away from their TV's, or just really stupid and not used to cloak, cloak is quite easy to spot unless the person using it is using it smartly
  14. Ximinett

    Hopefully this doesnt happen on Ps4,it is???
  15. DeadlyOmen

    The guy figured out where you were, and killed you. Relax, and respawn.
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  16. Reclaimer77

    They didn't run "past" you. They actually run INTO you, notice they hit you and got slowed down, and figured out the cause was an Infil pretty damn quick.
  17. Crayv

    I find it a little bit suspicious when it is a low BR player is that situationally aware or when they hop into a base turret and perfectly hit moving infantry on their first shot (I almost never get hit by the splash damage, just perfectly bullseyed on the first shot).
  18. Invictorum

    There is a bit of a problem that hits infils worse than others in the terms of rendering. Sometimes the game needs to take a second to recognize the fact you're cloaked. Means the death of you with TTK being the way it is.
  19. LodeTria

    Given his low directive score, Range of detection & his BR he was probably an ESPer.
  20. Ryme_Intrinseca

    A moving infil can certainly be seen but in my experience a deepcloak basically cannot on PS4. In fact I don't think I've ever seen a deepcloak infil, or been seen while I was deepcloak, and I play infil a lot.