How about making Bouncing Betties visible?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Thades, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Thades

    I'm not one for ***** posts, but this is really wearing on me today. It seems like everyone's caught on, because these things are on literally every doorstep. Claymores have green beams pointing out from their location. Proximity mines glow. Bouncies betties are circular grey blobs, the same color grey of basically every floor in the game, and also could be mistaken for a rock if stared directly at.

    Keep them in the game, hell make them more effective. But give players a chance to see the goddamn things.
  2. Monnor

    My mines have nanite cloaking.
  3. Bape

    They are visible if your not ********. It obvious where they plant them either by steps to the capture point or the doorway to the capture point that what I always do. However if the player is smart and hear the bouncing betty blow up but no kill they will know right there that an enemy is near by. So many vets in matterson they always see my mines and shoot it just don't rush into a capture point without thinking.
  4. Thades

    They're easier to see on higher settings. On medium settings, like a LOT of people have to play this game, they blend in entirely. I don't really need to see a NC engineer and infiltrator come here and tell me they think their mines are fine, I already knew you thought that. Just summarize with L2P or something else equally braindead so I don't have to waste time responding to you next time.
  5. Yetii

    Pay more attention next time your running around a base that's under attack.
  6. Boogy

    Make them visible, i don't care, i'm putting ammo packs on top of them anyway.

    - Yay! Ammo! *KABOOOOOM*! splat :D
  7. Brok9000

    I plant mines and can tell by their effectiveness that players have trouble seeing them. Supposed LAs have some ability to detect them but it seems to be rarely used. Though some players know how to find and destroy them.

    I have also died to AP mines. I didn't see em either.

    BUT, wait some because of the flak armor increase. Once everyone is running with 30%+ flak armor I don't think mines will be nearly as deadly. They will hurt but now you should survive and thus can heal up and let the shield recharge. Mines will only kill in pairs or when taking fire and you run into one.
  8. Retool

    Use the NV scope thing if you have trouble seeing them.
    Put on flak armor to ignore them completely.

    Think the lights on claymore is for TR only as I have died to them and they havnt shown any lights to me.
  9. Monnor

    Thanks really , i must do this.
  10. Tasogie

    lool the crusade has really kicked off, now its post after post after post ... obviously SOE will give in eventually, its what they do, but its a sad day when someone refuses to sue tools that makes them immune to mines in favor of having devs hold their hand :(
  11. Brok9000

    Come on, everyone wants to be a whiner! err, winner! yeah, that's it ;)