How about...Ammo Gal, Repair Gal, Gal with Supply Drops

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BULLET010, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. BULLET010

    Title says it all. What do you guys think???
  2. dstock

    All 3 sound like great ways to increase the number of friendly ESFs I crush :D
  3. oberchingus

    I like this! Midair re-fuelling and repair!
  4. Lightwolf

    Promised already. Coming.... Soon™
  5. Pikachu

    Are you Bullet from Cobalt? :eek:

    On topic: This stuff has been suggested many times already and should be put in the galaxy update thread instead. Btw repair and ammo boxes are in the files.
  6. Exploding Acorn

    All I can imagine from these inclusions now are masses of galaxies swarming every base at high altitude dropping never ending soldiers while out repairing any damage thrown their way.
  7. Lightwolf

    On a non-evil laugh note, I doubt it. Back in beta people did that with repair sundies and it was OP. So SOE nerfed it and vehicle reps no longer stack.
  8. Exploding Acorn

    True I remember the roaming sundy repair hordes, but at least with the sundies there were numerous options to deal damage that usually people most people were carrying with them all the time. With galaxies at high altitude troop spawning you're going to have to rely either on Skyguards, Burster Maxes, Lockons (may or may not be in range), Lancers if you're VS, or friendly air to deal with them.

    Only problem being only friendly air currently has much of a hope to finish off galaxies. The rest outside of 48+ size battles usually aren't pulled in enough numbers to deal with a lone non repairing galaxy before they drop their troops and gain distance to de-render (or get out of LOS), manually repair, and return. But at least you can gain a brief window where enemies aren't dropping right onto point to attempt to clear them out currently.
  9. lawn gnome

    not the supply drops, but i do think the galaxy should have access to all of the same support utilities as the sunderer, BUT they should only be active when the gal is on the ground (or for simplicity when the landing struts are out), so that galaxies are encouraged to support their team on the ground. also they should get access to scout radar (as should sunderers).
  10. Lightwolf

    so you want it to be so it's never used and sundies are in every way better at the task? Maybe a deployed and a mobile tree, with deployed defense and radius bonuses.
  11. lawn gnome

    being able to land everywhere and fly over terrain would make it useless? i don't know of many sunderers that can easily resupply people on mountain tops.
  12. Flag

    The galaxy had a depoyment option back in beta.
    Granted that was for GMS(galaxy mobile spawn in case it wasn't obvious), but the animations should still be there.
  13. lawn gnome

    they need to find some way to balance that, because i kinda miss the gal spawns.
  14. Lightwolf

    What ground things would they repair if its inaccessible to ground?
  15. lawn gnome

    i know of plenty of places my lightning can get to that sunderers would struggle with or find outright impossible. turns out giant armored buses aren't super agile. also the galaxy can provide support much faster than a sunderer because galaxies are faster AND they get to go in straight lines directly to where supply or repairs are needed.
  16. Lightwolf

    Straight to places where sunderers already are.
    Do you seriously think anyone would land their whale near any tanks in need of support? It's larger than most buildings, there's very little cover large enough, and you're saying it would be a good idea to land in front of tank cannons?
  17. Flag

    Oh I didn't mean they should use it for spawns, but for the other functions.
    Then you'd have the choice of:
    Slow moving sunderer that only has to deploy for spawns, or...
    Faster Galaxy that's also fat, has to deploy to activate the passive benefits.

    Or would that make it too much of a hassle to ever use?
  18. Freedym Fry

    Dropping vehicle ammo resupply boxes from above would be neat, one to three minute duration, only one in game at a time, like an engineer. Flying between battles to keep the resupply lines open.
  19. lawn gnome

    i think as it is within 5 meters of the ground or wherever landing gear deploying range is it should just automatically deploy.
  20. Flag

    Oh please no.
    Don't make these things do anything automatically.
    Don't take control away from players.