
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. {joer

    I think its more like existential dread.
  2. XRIST0

    This fixed my stuttering issue ..
  3. Reithan

    Whatever it DID fix, it didn't fix the lack of a lock-on warning for A2A missiles. :(

    -1 mosquito.
  4. Diamond Sword

    Just saw a server broadcast from Higby that it is indeed supposed to fix the stutter bug.
  5. Maruun

    Just like the Maya calender - In the End nothing happend and you or some other souls lost money because of this scam.
  6. Alkasirn

    This is actually about the third or fourth patch after the hotfix.

    I think what they're doing is trying to eliminate the problems one step at a time. Maybe they're not spamming announcements as there will be a huge uproar if the patch notes just said "Blah blah should be fixed" but it still happened to some people. That's just what I'm assuming though. Don't quote me on it.
  7. Slyguy65

    They have an internal build...but ya they need like a public people can test new updates and crap before they implement them.

    Cause im getting sick of the...oops sorry bout that ya'll...
  8. Bloodlet

    Anyone know if it fixed the warping players issue?
  9. Reithan

    Yeah, if only it was possible to like...test the fixes somehow before making them live? Like some sort of separate server for testing things?

    (Note: this not a slam against the devs or anyone else working on this, as I doubt any of them personally purchased servers for PS2 and/or make the final decisions regarding servers...this is directed at the producers at SOE, who likely DID make those decisions.)
  10. 01101010

    new hats... I am telling you - that has to be it.
  11. RadarX

    This change was a small fix to a "hitching" issue reported in the last Game Update 2. As we've stated we are fixing reported issues as quickly as possible. We may not hit the one you want immediately but we are working our way down the list. Thanks for everyone's patience!
    • Up x 19
  12. Oheck

    Much thanks.
  13. Dokran

    Downloaded it and seems to work hot dropped to a big fight and not stuttering at the moment, further test needed in vehicles but looks like it WORKS.
    • Up x 2
  14. Rockit

    Looks like a fix to me. Nice job!
    • Up x 2
  15. Drsexxytime

    I really hope once the dust settles and things are sorted out we get a 2/3x SC day and 2/3x XP weekend for this one. It has been horrible and really upset a ton of people.
  16. Wren

    Fixed the stuttering? Huzzah!
  17. Bloodlet

    Thanks I guess. Though I am told it still hasn't fixed the more serious warping players issue that many people are having that we have heard nothing from SOE about despite a 12 page thread complete with video documentation on the tech support forums looking for some acknowledgement.
  18. t31os

    Not tested yet myself, waiting to see what people are saying on the forum to avoid any potential disappointment.

    Sounds good so far though, looking forward to jumping into a fight later tonight. :)
  19. Gimpy Prime

    I'd like to hear some more confirmation as well. I will try it out in a few hours and report back,
  20. Purg

    Quick jaunt - seems to have solved my problems. Dropped into the Crown and was maintaining a steady frame rate. Medium fight at TI Alloys which would normally have me jumping around between 70fps and 15fps, no stutters.

    Good job.