Hotfix - 1/28

Discussion in 'Game Update Notes' started by Sites, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Sites Executive Producer, Planetside 2

    The servers will be coming down at 6am (pacific) tomorrow morning for a hotfix. The estimated downtime is approximately 1.5 hours. The changes are listed below:

    Squad/Platoon System:
    · Squad privacy toggle and recruitment is now controlled by the individual squad leaders in the platoon instead of PL
    · PL can be assigned to any squad now instead of being forced to only be in Alpha
    · PL can be promoted to SL by current SL
    · Platoon Ban now functions correctly
    · SL can be used to create a platoon via drag/drop interface from the squad member list
    · /platoon setmembersquad # PlayerName will no longer work if a platoon is not present
    · Squad browser filters ( Friend / Outfit ) should now function correctly and return the list of squads that have your friends, outfit members, or either if both are toggled on
    · If a player is banned from any one squad in the platoon, he/she will no longer be able to join any other squad in the platoon
    · Platoon mute should now save and reload state properly
    · Linkdead state should now work consistently for platoon members
    · SL auto-assign now looks for the member with the highest BR. PL auto-assign looks for the SL with the highest BR.
    · Misc bug fixes that were causing mismatched state between server and client, e.g. players erroneously thinking they were SL on the client when they weren’t on the server

    Cosmetic Changes:
    · Updated Auraxium Color (NC auraxium should be more yellow/blue than white.)
    · Updated Yellow Dot Size (VS yellow, red dot sight should be similar in size to the TR’s equivalent.)
    · Updated some Vehicle Cosmetics (Vehicle cosmetic LODs should be noticeably further back.)
    · Cosmetic bug fix: Camo coverage fix for the VS Darkstar Acolyte helmet

    · Outfit “Invite All Online Members To Squad” should now function correctly
    · Added “Send Message” functionality to the map context menu
    · Speculative fix for minimap indicators not showing
    · Fix for missing button assets for the [Customize>] button on the redeployment UI
    · Bullet impact decals should now be showing up properly
    · Accounts with experienced characters will no longer be able to create new characters to access Koltyr
    · We’ve scaled up the Region Tool Tip to be more readable
    · The PlayerStudio tool should now be functioning properly
    · Explosive HUD icon fix
    · Fixed facility benefits display bug
    · Removed “Warp To” option to the same zone a player is already in
    • Up x 9