[Suggestion] Hossin messed it up: Continent Locking Ideas

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PurpleTape, May 25, 2015.

  1. PurpleTape

    I play on Connery and everytime Hossin is unlocked, it has significantly less pop than the other continent. This is because people do not like to play on Hossin, so they go to the other continent instead.

    I am not a fan of the continent locking mechanic because it locks me out of the continent I want to play, Amerish, statistically half the time that I am playing. It seems that Hossin is the continent that alerts occur less frequently, so it could be locking Amerish for even longer.

    I think it is a good idea to give a substantial reward to make people feel that they have a purpose for fighting, but there are other ways for completing this goal. I think that the alerts should change to capturing certain things, like AMP stations. The winner of the alert would receive a "perk" that could be shown in the tab menu. This would act the same way as the bonuses from continent alerts now, only there is no continent locking involved.

    A perk could last until a the end of the next alert and the perks given could be either randomly chosen, or based on the alert. I think it would also be good for a wider variety of alerts. Instead of just territory control alerts, there should be alerts for kills.

    The kills could be general or specific, like killing engineers. Another type of alert could be getting the most amount of ribbons, whether it be healing or killstreak.

    If people still want the satisfaction of locking a continent, it should only be one at a time. This makes it less likely that the continent a person really enjoys is locked. The continent locking mechanic should change to where a faction must secure all of the territory of one faction, and then the faction must take out that faction's warp gate. To secure that warpgate as their own. It would lock the continent for one faction, but not the other two. This would make the "something worth fighting for" battles more intense.

    I know people would not like to be sitting on the sidelines if this happened to them, but they could capture a different continent. There should also be a mechanic that allows vehicles to travel to and from continents. This mechanic should have a cool down so people do not abuse it by running away and the only way to switch continent is from behind the warpgate.

    I hope you guys liked some of my ideas and I would like to have your opinions too. Thank you for your time.
  2. RedArmy

    thats cuz Hossin sux, nobody likes it - its laggy and terribly designed. typically when theres a base called the "aweful" pit, even the creators knew it was bad, Give us Searhus already
  3. KnightCole

    COnt locking ideas?

    yes...REMOVE IT!
  4. Eternaloptimist

    Personally I dislike Hossin as it seems much more likely to be small, infantry-only fights (plus bad visibility and a lot of bases that are just a straight-line push from the front to the back). This is just a personal preference though. I do agree that Hossin pop on Cobalt and Miller seems to be low a lot of the time. On the other hand I try to redeploy as soon as the Hossin loading screen comes up and there is almost always a queue to get into another continent.

    I would like to have the choice of which available continent I deploy to when I log in (I'll take my chance on the queues). Or even get rid of continent locking and let the market i.e. the players decide where the good fights are going to be.....no decent battle/pop on one continent then go find another.

    Frankly, I wouldn't miss Hossin if they got rid of it entirely and went back to three continents (if there aren't enough players to pop four) but that is just my preference/bias showing again.
  5. FateJH

    We already know how that is going to end up.
  6. breeje

    because it's the only map that really counts
    why do you think everybody is on indar, because 80 % off the players want to play there
    and DBG puts a lock on it, those idiots
  7. PurpleTape

    I think it would be good to remove Hossin, though it took two years it isn't fun to play on. I think this would make Indar a more populated continent than Amerish and Esamir, but I like that. People get to choose the types of fights they want.

    To stop Indar from being the most populated continent, there must be alerts on a different continent. This does not have to be soley territory control either. As stated in my last continent, the alerts could be capturing specific bases (such as AMP stations), getting the most kills( general or a specific class), or getting the most ribbons (like healing ribbons).
  8. ChUnKiFieR

    My idea to make Hossin better is to remove some of the impassable mountains. C'mon, mountains in a swamp?
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  9. PurpleTape

    I agree with you. The mountains make Hossin feel very linear.
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