(Hossin) Fogerty Dam - Magriders

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sincore, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Sincore

    So apparently Magriders don't hover over water yet, made me sad when I drowned my Magrider at this base on Hossin earlier today :eek: . Think they will program it in before Hossin goes live?

    I think it would be pretty cool if they did, it would add a bit more faction flavor to the game if nothing else.
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  2. KenDelta

    Maggy should be able to hover over water!!:eek: SOE , your physics logic was broken , but this has gone so far!!
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  3. IamDH

    Yeah magrider should hover over water
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  4. RealityWarrior

    If only Test had their own area to post about things that are 100% test related...
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  5. Mekaniz

    Well, it's tank-heavy and puts huge pressure on the surface below it. If that pressure is high enough, it will just push the water away and the tank will sink.

    But actually it could be cool if Magrider could levitate above water and other MBT's would sink and drive across the bottom.
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  6. Van Dax

    it uses the planets magnetic field to hover, apply realistic kinematics and the tank doesn't even get off the ground.
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  7. Chipay

    If only Devs read anything things on these forums
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  8. Sincore

    Not entirely test related. Those nasty puddles on Amerish are a minor inconvenience for Magriders as well!
  9. maxkeiser

    When do we get the flying Vanu maxes then?
  10. DeathTollDavid

    I could see this not being implemented due to a balance issue.

    Or better yet since the other tanks can go into the water at a certain depth without going under maybe the mag rider can hover over the shallow water as well but if they venture into water that is too deep they sink like the other tanks. That would make better sense to me.
  11. Compass

    I'm fine with Magriders getting their water hover capabilities as long as I get this.

  12. DeathTollDavid


    Pretty much the battle cry I see these days.
  13. Alox

    Magriders will never get hover over water, the nerf cries from NC and TR would never end. Just forget it.
  14. DeathTollDavid

    And as I said I think they should hover over the same water depth that a NC and TR tank can enter. At the point that an NC or TR tank can sink should also be the point the Mag should sink.
  15. DukeFlash

    I might be ok with Magriders hovering on water if it slowed them down.
    I can imagine full speed Mags over water as being OP.

    Then again, I also wanted Magriders & Vanguards to swap their special abilities :p
    (so what do I know)
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  16. ScottishRoss

    Anyone else thing that a Vanguard will barely surface on the water, and thus the Magrider will be a floating duck?
  17. DeathTollDavid

    I'd also be ok if they implemented a utility for this as well.
  18. Mob720

    Yeah, if Mags are allowed to hover over water maybe there can be drawbacks, like being slower, having slower turn speed, unable to use magburner, etc.
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  19. Cirevam

    I would see this as acceptable. Mags are already slow without their burners, and slowing them down even more may make a Mag pilot think twice about going over some water.
  20. Enchman

    In PS1 all vehicles that hovered (including Magrider) could float over water, but at a reduced speed. You also had empire specific amphibious vehicles. Picture something half the size of a Sunderer with 2 empire specific weapon mounts, the Thunderer (NC), Aurora(VS), and Raider(TR).

    See here: http://wiki.planetsidesyndicate.com/index.php?title=Ground_Transport

    Keep in mind water was also much more open than what I've seen on Hossin. So while you could escape over water, you were also exposed on all sides to enemy fire.
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