Hossin/cont lock released and soon weather effects?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by daniel696, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. daniel696

    Well, it seems something changed, I don't know, but SOE finally is working in something the community asked for ages ago, we have Hossin, Emerald is full of queues (I hate when I'm the 121) and now they are working in weather effects, something that I thought would never happen any time soon, is this coming or they are still in early stages? Maybe EQN and H1Z1 made a big change in creating new features with the forgelight engine.




    source https://twitter.com/mhigby/status/481939119010902016
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  2. Ken Photon

    Yes, I've heard about this. I think it'll be a really cool addition, and a nice way to balance out the air game. The main problem I've heard about is the potential performance hitches these effects could induce. You're probably right in saying that H1Z1 or EQN had an influence on this, and that's cool.
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  3. Regpuppy

    H1Z1's dev team worked on weather for their game. I think it's safe to assume the PS2 team, and maybe the EQN team, are just leveraging their work. In what stage it's in, we do not know. The first news I saw about it coming to PS2 specifically was in that same random Higby tweet everyone else saw.

    Since there's no news on it, I'm going to assume not for awhile. Nor would I want it until performance is touched on again.
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  4. Silkensmooth

    That does look cool.
  5. minhalexus

    I wouldn't be a big fan of the rain.

    I can imagine it causing huge amounts of lag for everybody.
    The other two are really nice.

    I would like it if SOE introduced a few more night vision scopes if they did this. I don't really like the current night vision scope.

    How about a scope that is like the detective mode in Batman Arkham Series?
    In which you see the skeletons of people.

    A few different NV scope designs would be nice too. The current one has way too many blind spots.
  6. Tommyp2006

  7. Pikachu

    People are going to complain that it reduces their vision. We will not see this any time soon.
  8. Strottinglemon

    That's the point. It makes fighting more varied and interesting.
  9. Ronin Oni

    These should be GPU effects, of which PS2 is usually not limited by (unless you have a killer CPU and a poor GPU)

    Also, anything that reduces render range can actually improve performance
  10. ironeddie

    Weather would instantly add a lot of immersion. Hope we see it added this year. Although I to am slightly concerned about performance given how up and down that seems to be anyway.
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  11. daniel696

    This is true, it can improve the performance, they will do it right I'm pretty sure but they could do it right and fast and add it in the next month :D well, let's wait,
  12. Champagon

    I hope to see this soon, would be SO awesome.

    Can't wait for the whining, oh man soooo much whining
  13. daniel696

    We had whinning in the Hossin release man! Just... you know, like, WAT?
  14. Paragon Exile

    I really want thunderstorms.

    Even if the lightning is purely cosmetic, I think the massive booms of thunder and flashes are awesome.
  15. Paragon Exile

    Planetside 2 is very heavily dependent on the CPU, but thankfully these weather effects would draw from your GPU :D

    My poor GTX 780 feels so neglected when I play Planetside, it craves moar particle effects!
  16. FrankHH

    I can't believe how many people think that a rain texture will cause performance issues.
  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    B-b-but it has to calculate the physics of every raindrop impact and run fluid simulations on the puddles that form. :rolleyes:
  18. PurpleBeefer

    I for one love the weather effects, its that ominous feeling you get when its quiet then see an armor column appear out of the fog, then lights up the area with tracers and whatnots and LAZORZ11! but i digress. it seems like its making the game more interesting and camo might actually be useful for once
  19. ironeddie

    So as ever those on low end computers are shafted. Glad I'm not one.of them!
  20. Paragon Exile

    WE ARE THE 1%