[Suggestion] Horizontal Thrust "Assault Jets"

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Obuw, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Obuw

    This must have been suggested before, but I thought I'd just put this idea out here in case it wasn't.

    An alternative to the default and drifter jetpacks, the "assault pack" would allow the LA soldier to move rapidly move forward in short bursts. Kinda like the MAX Charge ability, but a lot less restrictive.

    Full charge lasts ~2 seconds.
    Moves you forward (and possibly left/right and backward) at ~3x usual sprint speed.
    You can still fire weapons but usual jetpack accuracy penalties apply.
    It prevents you from using weapons for a short while, like regular sprinting.
    Recharges quickly - 6-10 seconds from 0% to 100% depending on rank.

    You'd normally use it in small ~0.5s bursts to run from cover to cover, close the distance, flank the enemy zerg, or run from one control point to another.

    Giving up the ability to fly is the obvious big downside, but this would certainly open up some new gameplay options for a bored light assault looking for alternatives.


    Edit: Edited to reflect some feedback
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  2. Kociboss

    Loving it.

    I can already see the hackusations "You warping scrublet, /report wallhack"
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  3. Kronic

    Would be abused to high hell with shotguns. Not fun for dudes on the receiving end.
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  4. Shadowhunter1

    instead of speed boost and armor boost like heavy assault, but half as effective also no movement penalty. so you can use that with adrenaline if you want a speed boost.
  5. Obuw

    I don't really see shotguns being a problem. You can already "abuse" the regular jetpack with shotguns. Without flight you lose the majority of your ability to get the jump on an enemy and/or evade bullets.

    Everyone and their mother has a SMG nowadays. If you're charging in their face, all they need to do is hold down their fire button, and they'll either kill you or severely cripple you.

    Also, the majority of infantry gunplay right now is based around being HA, holding down the fire button while walking forward. If that is going to be the way things are (since it hasn't changed in over a year I think it's a safe bet to assume so), then I don't think SOE would have an issue with other classes also having tools that complement the "walk forward while holding down their fire button" playstyle.
  6. Selrahc4040

    I like it, and it HAS been suggested before. Lord knows this would **** with the HA's when they think they're in God-Mode.

    "Now you see me, now you don't, now your shield's gone!"
  7. MorganM

    When I read your title I thought it would let you thrust left / right. So you could like double tap A or S and you'd thrust that direction allowing you to dodge things better.
  8. Obuw

    That could be a possibility too. Or backwards thrust to fall back perhaps.
  9. cruczi

    Rather than double tapping the movement keys (which would easily lead to unintentional thrusts), it could work by holding a movement key while double tapping the sprint key.
  10. Iridar51

    Yes, it was. Numerous times.
    It can't be done:
    A) shotgun abuse - yes, even more than now
    B) Lag vs TTK (aka netcode) issues. You could thrust toward an enemy and blow his face off with a shotgun while he still sees you 15m away.

    Even though I'd feel bad about using it, shotgun abuse is the only "new gameplay option" I can come with this.

    And why do you hate SMGs so much? I don't find them particularly cheesy.
    You exaggerate. Like a lot. Like in a completely wrong sort of way. I don't wish to throw assumptions here, but if you die to "HA, holding down the fire button while walking forward" then you're not good enough as LA yet.

    And thank you cruczi for steering conversation down Irrelevant Lane, I knew we could count on you.
  11. Obuw

    I'd rather prefer if there was no double tapping involved at all. Just press F while moving in a direction.

    If this really is the only thing keeping it from making it in-game, and the only concern people have, just make it work like sprint so you can't fire your weapon for a short time after you use it.

    How about 'making a run for that door in the biolab so you can flank the zerg', or 'wasting less time going from [A] to [C]'? I don't know about you but I spend a lot of time sprinting around in this game. :p

    Neither do I. I think you misunderstand. I'm merely pointing out that shotgun-in-your-face is often countered by SMG-in-your-face, shotguns are at their best when you're sneaking up on someone from behind or above.

    I was obviously exaggerating there. I don't have particular problems with HA when I'm LA, as I'm always playing 'flank the zerg with a shotgun'. I usually get several kills before I die, rinse & repeat. You know, the usual. But every other class has problems with "HA, holding down the fire button while walking forward". I know, because often I'm that HA walking forward. :p
    Seriously though, I just find it annoying that trying to ADS and actually aim is being punished so much, especially when you're trying to enjoy playing a different kind of weapon like a semi auto scout rifle / battle rifle to spice things up. But this is going waaay off-topic.
  12. Iridar51

    You make good points. But people would still see us teleport around due to latency. You can already notice this issue when people around you use jump pads.
  13. Obuw

    Well, I think people would adapt. For instance, imagine if the game didn't have jetpacks, and someone proposed adding jetpacks to LA. The entire community would shoot down the idea, saying it would destroy the game balance. But we have jetpacks and somehow the game is fine. :p It really boils down to how the idea is implemented.

    Besides, as long you are going in a straight line, the netcode should prevent teleporting / warping. Regular sprinting / MAX charge doesn't cause much of an issue does it?
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  14. Iridar51

    Alright, you've convinced me :)
  15. Ceskaz

    It was much worse in PS1.
  16. Corezer

    no it wasn't... that was mostly due to base design and continent size tho, and surge
  17. Obuw

    I wasn't complaining. But yes, there was a lot of walking between bases in PS1 if you didn't have vehicle transport. I had a loadout with standard exosuit + surge just for those cases.

    Anyway, going off-topic again. :p
  18. Selrahc4040

    Good point here, and having (seemingly) convinced the crowds here, I highly suggest you take this into the roadmap forum for LA.
  19. Obuw

    You mean I should post the idea in the Class Revamp: Light Assault thread in the Roadmap forum? Meh I don't think that will help. It's filled with 29 pages of "omfg dual wield is a terrible idea!1!!" posts. (well justified I might add :p). Besides I think they probably stopped reading that thread about 28 pages ago. :p

    I'm hoping if enough people like this post and it stays near the top, perhaps it might get the exposure it needs. And if people don't like it enough, well that's democracy. :p
  20. Selrahc4040

    It never hurts, but I won't push you. Hope to see more from you in the future!