Pros: 1. Easy to get a good fight.( which is very very good imo i hate ghost capping) I think the game is better with koltyr. much better in fact, will prob help new players find there groove much easier. 2. More 3 way fights, i love getting hit by a TR when im killing a NC lol. Not being sarcastic it is very fun and makes funny interactions. cons: 1. 14 hours a day is too much. if it was between 2-3am until 8-9am and then it was unstable warpgates from 9am-4-5pm and then fully open from 5pm-2am that would be great... I think there are 3 types of players, night owls/early birds, daily grinders and after school after work crew.. Some of the best times are on a unstable esamir with a group of 12-24 there is tactical play to be had.. No tactical play on koltyr only farms.(good and bad depending how you play the game) 2. Sunderer spawns spots are terrible on koltyr no good places to hide from the army of tanks, and tank play seems volatile so you cant always be defended by your own tanks. the meta on soltech right now seems to be who can get a sundy into b point and farm. 3. The bases are actually meant to support 96+ fights, amp stations with 3 point captures. I literally running alot and so scared when an infiltrator pops out right in front of me. Conclusion: Going forward we can see this as a beta testing. There could be new smaller maps that are actually made to host 12-24 players and offer more tactical gameplay. And i personally hope they could seperate them by time instead of numbers. aka 9am-4pm is unstable. or tweak the numbers a bit for weekdays.