[BUG] Hits not registering

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jaloro, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Jaloro

    I have experienced my hits not registering on the enemy infrequently in the past but today this has been happening on a regular basis.

    The most common occurence has been on my VS MAX with anti-infantry guns, so much so that its almost reproducable. Fighting at short range, say across a small room, I have unloaded my entire clip into single enemies without one hit registering, while they have been able to take me down from maximum health to dead.

    This is not a case of missing, at these ranges it is almost impossible to do so and one bullet from a dual firing max would at least scape them. When killed I can see they have full health and shields left, so it is clearly a case of the bullets not registering a hit at all.

    I can put up with most bugs but clearly being unable to hit the enemy is game breaking and incredibly frustrating.