Hitbox question

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by jhwoody, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. jhwoody

    It seems to me that when aiming at another player out in the open, the hit box is pretty tight. I have missed shots by just being a teeny bit right or left of target (usually, they move just a hair right as I fire). But, when someone is standing or crouching near a turret, even if I have a clear head shot, it often impacts the turret before the other player. Anyone else see this?
  2. iller

    Even while holding shift there's a teeny bit of wobble still possibly leading to desynch or suggesting a small amount of spread. It's really hard to prove which one at such extreme distances
  3. Benevon

    I was noticing some odd things yesterday for sure. Specifically when I would hit somebody with a head shot, and then shoot somebody that was right next to them aiming at the same spot and it wouldn't be a head shot. Actually, it was usually on the same guy it would happen and he was always crouching. But the headshot hitbox does seem to have a few inconsistencies.
  4. jhwoody

    Yeah, it wasn't the headshot hitbox that I was wondering about, more that the phalanx turret hitbox seems to lie well outside its actual border making headshots on somebody crouched next to a turret (read engineer) seem to hit the turret rather than the player.
  5. LostX

    At long ranges the turret hitbox become bugged and cover more than it should. Even when you shot the engi from the side, the shot hit the turret. And the head hitbox is weird, sometimes if you shoot to the the top of the head your shot go through the character instead of hit him. A lot of times I HS people by aiming right below the head (at any distance).