Hit-reg issues back?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MonnyMoony, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. MonnyMoony

    In a battle just now and got a cracking medium distance headshot shot on an enemy LA - got the headshot 'pling' and the full critical hit marker - yet their health bar remained at 100%. A body shot a couple of seconds later only took it down to around 4/5

    Is the hit reg bug that was doing the rounds a year or so back starting to make a return as I have been finding enemies a little more resilient than normal over the past couple of weeks.
  2. Direlithe

    My scenarios include: hitmarker after hitmarker and then die after the enemy turns around 3 seconds later, or shooting directly at the enemy a dozen times and registering no hitmarkers followed by immediate death after enemy appears to have hit me 3-5 times. I assume it's bad internets on some end.
  3. hollowed

    Point blank pump action headshot and the dude lives, broken reload animation on solstice burst, getting hit behind cover, who cares, buy implants!
    • Up x 1
  4. Direlithe

    This has been happening to me way more often than usual :(
  5. MonnyMoony

    Had another good one yesterday.

    Got the jump on a LA from behind - I was running infil and packing a Sirius SMG (845rpm, 125 damage, 50 round mag = 6250 potential damage in 3.5 seconds).

    Pumped a full mag into his back at very close range - couple shots probably missed due to bloom - but saw loads of hit markers.

    Just as I got to the end of the clip - he turned around and instagibbed me. Killboard showed he still had both overshield and health. I must have got enough shots into him to kill him twice over.

    This has been happening loads lately - I have been running similar weapons for a while now - so have a pretty good handle on how quickly enemies usually go down with any given gun. Over the past few weeks however - something just seems off. Far more are surviving when I would normally expected them to have dropped and I seem to be getting to the end of clips without having dropped somebody a lot more than usual.