[BUG] Hit detection

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. day ofm one

    I got really serious hit detection issues.

    I have to outdamage my foes health by an averange of 3 times.

    One kill, that makes 40 bullets or 5 shotgun shells please, anything else?

    Today we also got a special offer, it is called free death.

    You only need to wait until the enemy kills you with perfect hit detection after he allready took 40 bullets.

    Is anyone else having hit detection issues?

    I got them since months now, but recently it just got a lot worse.

    My K/D dropped from 2+ to barely 1 because I just get outdamaged by every enemy I see, except I shoot him into the back (and even then often sometimes people just turn around and kill me..........
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  2. Kunavi

    Yeah I get these things often enough. Very disappointing.
  3. KnightCole

    Yeah, if the lack of depth doesnt kill PS2, its performance will eventually.....I think its doing a good job so far.
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  4. DarkJackal

    Absolutely! I've just compensated my play style by throwing out the COD-kill-steak advice and by approaching it differently and examine things from all sides whenever possible. This means I do browse some streamers twitch to see my performance from their end.

    What's your average FPS when this happens? Does the other players seem to move faster and does the animations look 'sped up'? When you get hit, does it look and sound like three taps then you're dead?

    My K/D went from 0.9 to 1.2 playing with 40fps average as I played the game a lot different than I do when I have good FPS (>60), mainly picking and choosing where to fight and in some cases even if strategically it doesn't provide as much immediate help as does being there with 30 FPS and barely able to make a difference except have someone else farm you for kills. As you're compensating for this issue with more ammo, which is fine as that is exactly what I do to account for the issue and what you must do anyway, try to limit the general area into smaller kill zones. I've made doorways as an example for these kill zones by trying to shuffle left and right slowly on one side or the other so that the server does recognize you did move even if its slightly off but better than appearing to be at a stand-still. You don't necessarily want to be an easy target if the other person has 20 more frames than you do to pump bullets into a body not moving.

    If you have recon in the map then you can pre-fire before they come into the doorway and you should be able to deal a good amount of damage to some inspiring folks with higher FPS trying to breach the room. Timing is a bit difficult on this one but if you get it down it usually it means you can still win against someone with higher FPS because you have in effect already have bullets on target for those few frames where the server syncs you with right as they enter the room.

    This is what I did here with the streamer at the 58 minute mark just as he breached the room and how the server presented it to his client with what I did with the EM6. I'm also shuffling too and happy there were still blips to work off of.

    The only downside is that the person with the higher FPS will win straight on so I don't recommend the fast-paced moving everywhere advice given if you're performance isn't working out as some folks have posted online with their kill streaks as you're just wasting whatever few frames the server accepts from you doing this moving too much instead of shooting. After all, we want the server to recognize ultimately our bullets and drop the person on the other end. I too wish performance was better and I think most people playing wouldn't look so clueless in the kill-streak videos as they are made out to be!
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  5. Allin

    having to shot and get MARKERS on 10+ hits close range, while dying from seemingly 2-3 hits from 100+ meters is unfortunately constant now. Lots of packet issues, lots of undetected hits, lots of animation desyncs.

    With the scale of the game that's something that's unavoidable. Annoying as hell though.
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  6. BlueSkies

    The odd thing is that, living in Ireland, I get better performance on Emerald than I do on Miller now...

    Kinda feel like the data centre that SOE uses in the Netherlands is crapping out
  7. steverogers

    Hitreg, the #1 excuse for people who are too proud to admit their bad performance and their lack of understanding of the cof, recoil and flinch mechanics.
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  8. day ofm one

    I expect an excuse for implying that I lie in the official forums by claiming that I do not report a bug but try to cover bad player performance.

    You also insulted every player who confirmed this issue by claiming they lie as well, congratulations.

    I also may express my negative feelings about you and suggest that next time you think about what you write twice.
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  9. Jogido

    video would be nice.

    I tend to find that most players clump CoF and lead time fails with hit reg issues.

    Not to say that hit reg doesn't exist and you might totally be experiencing it....but I believe many players blame hit issues then they should and the videos I have seen reveal user error more than anything else
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  10. Demigan

    Sorry! I'll start growing my weed outside of the server room, sorry again!
  11. Thrones

    Perhaps it is not hit detection, but hit alert that is the problem. When I die, it is usualy in .0005 seconds, I tend to not even ADS because by the time I get my scope up and fire one or two burst, I'm usually on the ground. It feels like it takes me a mag to kill someone, and takes them 2 shots to drop me.

    But, I keep hearing this from everyone, the actual vs perceived TTD/TTK has huge variance.
  12. Hatesphere

    it definitely happens from time to time for me when i get that rare case of spiking ping and low frame rate, but its pretty rare and restarting my client/resetting my router seems to fix it, sorry to hear the hit reg is crapping out on you so much, I know how it feels to unload a shotgun into someones back to have it do dick all.
  13. Demigan

    Hitregistration has been known and confirmed to be malfunctioning. Although I thought it was going much better in the last week or two. Still, it's frustrating to fire a full magazine into someone's back from point-blank and only get two hit markers. Or a few weeks before, when I managed to surprise a sniper from behind on a ledge and after the third knife-slash I finally hit the man. Then it took 6 more slashes before the guy stopped panicking and finished me with a side-arm. Maybe I should have switched to my primary and just blown him full of holes, but if the finishing hit can be done in the next knife slash and hitreg might be just as buggy for your gun, why would you?
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  14. iller

    Every video that gets posted is attacked by players who don't understand Programming and Model-collision mechanics.
    So either way it just turns into opinions versus opinions.

    Video doesn't prove anything anymore. You could show a room full of Forumsiders the JFK assassination from 10 different angles, and all of them would have 10 different excuses for why the shooter missed and the target simply died from being a drunk irish man in a car
  15. Jogido

    ya, it can become stupid, but it's still better than nothing. I find that a lot of people can't read a video correctly...but at least I can see for me self.

    who knows, maybe the OP will get an answer that will help him out if he has an open mind.

    I had a friend that had a similar problem, so we got together and tried to figure it out. It turns out he wasn't letting the CoF settle when going ADS and he assumed that ADS give him instant pinpoint accuracy no matter what the CoF was before at that current moment. Anyway, he does much better now.
  16. day ofm one

    My issue is, that I get markers but no damage.

    I get 15 markers on an enemy, he still stands...
  17. Jogido

    yeah that's weird, would love to see that on video. I haven't seen that myself personally.
  18. steverogers

    In no way my posts says hit reg doesn't exist.

    Why so much on the defensive? Have i hit a sensitive part?
    Hit reg had issues and still sometimes have some, but the big majority of cases (see MattiAce's thread) are just bads who are going to blame everything but themselves. It's the same with hackers. Only a tiny amount of hackusations are remotely credible. Same thing with hit reg.

    You might want to learn how to look at your performance from an other angle before you go all offended over a true statement. Because with the way you react, it looks a lot like you're trying to defend your over inflated ego.
  19. Revel

    The lag tolerances are the worst in any game I've ever seen. There's 0 excuse for this. Its so bad during some prime time alerts I don't even want to play. Nothing like jumping up, getting a kill message, and being on the way back down and suddenly you're headshot by that same guy. How they thought this game could ever be MLG worthy is beyond me. Having to aim vehicles ahead of where people are running to actually get a collision is atrocious too.

    I honestly think the game is a lost cause at this point and will end up in maintenance mode within a year, because if the PS4 launch is bad and the console crowd drops it fast its all over and if they haven't fixed code/lag/performance issues yet after 2 years, they aren't going to.

  20. Hatesphere

    you could show 300 million Americans a video of the JFK assassination and you would get just as many outlandish theories.